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To you who
abolish various troubles and confidence or have illusion.
Please be sure to read the following short text before reading
this site.
You consider and decide the solution of many problems your life.
It is your freedom what you consider what, and choose and determine.
You have grasped all. Please utilize this site as reference of
your idea. However, please do not forget three following wishes.
To a your happiness sake.
No1 ・・
If it lives at any rate, please live brightly.
No2 ・・ If it lives at any rate, please live by plus thinking.
No3 ・・ If it lives at any rate, please consider a good thing and
The short story tale which can be read for free.
© 2008 Author Harunobu Kodama.
No1. The tale of “the offense and defense of the gods of space creation.
No2. The tale of “Space Ship Galaxy Train.”
No3. Earth capture battle of “God of land” and “marine God”.
No4. The tale of the guardian deity of children to whom the name of Mr. True heart was attached.
No5. A gratitude grandfather and complaint dissatisfied grumble grandmother.
No6. “Mr. Jinbey” which has changed “poor God” into the “god of good luck”.
No7. The tale of “the big man who saved the life of people of a village and who is not useful”.
No8. The tale of “God which it fulfills anything”.
No9. The “Saburo” tale of a stray dog.
No10. Requital of a favor of “Santaro” of a rat.
No1. The tale of “the offense and defense of the gods of space creation.”
This tale is one short story tale of the answer of “why the Big Bang by which the present universe was created occurred.”
“The reason for having considered this tale.”
The first step for creating new value is smashing a preconceived idea. A new reform of product development, society, economy, etc. is how to smash a preconceived idea.
This tale is a tale describing the offense and defense of the gods of the space creation before the Big Bang of space birth about 13,700 million years ago occurs.
Countless creation God existed in gods' world where the Big Bang of the beginning of space creation has not occurred yet, about 13,700 million years ago. The political form in the world of the gods of creation God was a representative's election system. The general election was carried out before the Big Bang occurred in such god's world. The greatest point at issue of the election was the problem whether the 7th universe is created or it carried out. This problem was a problem of approval or rejection of the “Big Bang switch-on bill” of space creation. In fact, gods over there had already created the universes from the 1st to the 6th 900 billions trillion light year from the earth. Although the universe which we are looking at now may not be believed, it is the 7th universe. The general election became fighting with
a spirit-of-a-departed-person party and an evil spirit party. A spirit-of- a-departed-person party is the group of the gods who are governing the “soul of the good” of all the universes. The party leader is ultra angel God. An evil spirit party is the group of the gods who are governing the “soul of evil” of all the universes. The party leader is devil evil spirit God.
There are 301 seats in all.
The spirit-of-a-departed-person party secured 151 seats as a result of the general election. The majority was secured barely. On the contrary, the evil spirit party secured 150 seats and made a great leap forward. Influence rivaled one seat of the difference.
The spirit-of-a-departed-person party turned into the governing party as a result of the general election. The evil spirit party turned into the opposition party. The time 100 billionth usual gods meeting was immediately held after the general election in the Diet. It began from “general policy speech” of Prime Minister God of
a spirit- of-a-departed-person party leader ultra angel first nominated as Prime Minister God at the gods meeting.
“General policy speech” of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel was the following contents.
“I am ultra angel God nominated as Prime Minister God lately. Thank you for your consideration. The influence which surrounds our world is increasing severity increasingly. Although the spirit-of-a-departed-person party had created the universe from the 1st universe to the 6th in the past, the universes from the 1st to the 3rd already came under rule of an evil spirit party. It is inevitable that a spirit-of-a-departed-person party is driven into a gradual decline the way things stand. We have to create the 7 universe positively just now for rule share expansion. Therefore, the
Spirit-of-a-departed-person party submitted the “Big Bang switch-on bill” to this gods meeting. Please give me a thorough argument at this gods meeting. Next, although it is financial matters, I think that this problem wants to pursue structural reform without sacred cows vigorously for the improvement in financial health. And it is the intention of wanting to plan the thorough cost reduction. Please give me much more cooperation of related gods. Next, although it is an educational problem, I think that especially this problem wants to put in power. I think that he wants to specifically improve “gods Fundamental Law of Education” for the first time in 300 billion years. Bullying in the schools of these days is astonishing. Therefore, many God which gives up its business in the occupation of “God” is. This problem has thought it as the important problem. This problem is the intention of turning the mailbox of “special mission minister God” to structure problem solving newly, and corresponding positively. Please give me cooperation of you, gods. Although it is easy, I do as “general policy speech” with this. Thank you for the listening.”
The above is the contents of the speech. An end of this speech decided for chairperson God of this meeting to begin to question about this speech at once. Chairperson God nominated an opposition leader's devil evil spirit God as first questioner to “general policy speech.” An opposition leader's nominated devil evil spirit God asked the following contents to the governing party leader's Prime Minister God of an ultra angel.
“I congratulate you on your assumption of office of this time Prime Minister God. Excuse me, the question about this Big Bang switch-on bill is carried out. The evil spirit party governed even the 3rd universe at last. Isn't it too quick that we create another universe at the spare time which is making every possible effort for the universe currently governed? This is the first question first. Next, we carried out the simulation of the universe to the about 13,700 million future by highly efficient computer. Consequently, after the Big Bang occurs, the Milky Way Galaxy will be born about 1,700 million years after. And after the Milky Way Galaxy is born, the solar system will be born about 7 billion years after. And after a planet called the earth of the solar system is born it turns out that a living thing called human beings governs planet. And it also turned out that the human beings never presuppose that war will be stopped even if it experiences a miserable war repeatedly. This means that an evil spirit party wins. While such a thing is understood, is creating the new universe a waste of a budget? My question is these two.” Saying, “I want to hear the view of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel about this question”, the evil spirit party leader's devil evil spirit God ended the question.
The answers of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel to it were the following contents.
“Now which rule of an evil spirit party has expanded increasingly, if the whole universe was slow, it will become too late and it will become a serious thing. Also in order for a spirit-of-a-departed-person party not to become too late by such reason, it is necessary to hurry the 7th space creation. It is late, if it corresponded after wrong and a crime spread in the whole universe. Since it has the charm of a fearful like, if it is tempted by it, it cannot slip out of wrong and a crime easily. At first, although the soul of evil which originally exists in this universe spreads for a long period of time, it experiences painful various thoughts and changes to the soul of the good. Therefore the new universe must be created and the soul of the good must be extended as soon as possible. In the earth of the solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy, the highly efficient computer expects that many saints are born. And many human beings influenced of the saint's view come to have the soul of the good. However, in order to abuse a saint's view, to consider the world and to make it a passage, the bad man who confuses human nature appears. However, people with the soul of the good fight with those bad men, and win. And argument disappears from the earth gradually by efforts of many people. However, various things will surely break out, by the time argument is lost. Although surely there is a risk of various things breaking out,
a spirit- of-a-departed-person party is not feared in such a thing, and does not flinch from and stop to it.
And a spirit- of-a-departed-person party performs the contents through a bill certainly. Since it is such, I do not think that the 7th space creation is too quick. Although it is next a budget, I think that
a spirit-of-a-departed-person party wants to execute a budget positively to an effective problem. Money is rapidly used on a wonderful policy. Therefore, I think that the 7th space creation enterprise is not in charge of the waste of money which the opposition party asserts.”
Prime Minister God of an ultra angel answered clearly.
And it deliberated upon various arguments at the gods meeting.
Finally the following questions were submitted from the opposition leader.
“The evil spirit party calculated the simulation of whether a nuclear war will break out about 13,700 million years after the Big Bang on the earth by highly efficient computer. However, the evil spirit party was incalculable to there to the limit of a computer. Probably, the human beings of the earth cause a nuclear war and human beings are ruined. It is because the influence of the worldly desires of minus become strong and it becomes impossible for human beings to stop war and argument by our operating efforts. The chain of hate generates human beings by it. And it wars until it finally ruins an enemy. Finally human beings take to wrong and a crime. It is because human beings memorize a pleasant sensation with wrong and a crime. And it is sure that the earth becomes the planet which an evil spirit party governs. Although such a thing is understood, it cannot let the Big Bang switch-on bill pass. I want to drive an evil spirit party into a rejected bill. An opposition leader's devil evil spirit God said, “I want to hear the view of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel about these things.”
The answers of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel about it were the following contents.
“Probably I think that a nuclear war does not break out. Human beings may go to this side the 1 step. However, I concentrated human beings' wisdom and think that it does not result in the nuclear war. It is because human beings know being ruined if a nuclear war is caused. Human beings think that it is not foolish. Human beings have the wisdom to learn. A simulation, then the history of war can check human beings' action by highly efficient computer. However, human beings can also check having repeated reflection of the war and having made the peaceful international organization. This is the proof which has gone in the direction where human beings are bright. Therefore about this, there is especially no problem. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel answered “The problem is a global warming issue by more fearful carbon dioxide than it rather.
The evil spirit party asserted term extension of a gods meeting at the last.
However, the spirit- of-a-departed-person party did not accept the opinion, but was rammed after all.
Consequently, there were 154 approving votes at a big bread switch-on bill. There were 147 “no” votes. The rebel of three votes came out from the evil spirit party.
Immediately after the verdict, the switch of the Big Bang was lit by Prime Minister God of an ultra angel of
A spirit-of-a-departed-person party, and loud explosion broke out by it. The universe which we are looking at now by it was created. We exist now from such a reason. And the 2 large-number-of people power of
a spirit-of-a-departed-person party and an evil spirit party fights violently on the earth every day. Why the 2 large-number-of-people power of this spirit-of-a-departed
-person party and an evil spirit party exists in the earth should read the tale of “ No3. Space ship Galax train ”.
Do you support a spirit-of-a-departed-person party?
Or do you support an evil spirit party?
Your life will surely be greatly different which is supported.
The End
To an information page.
No2. The tale of “Space Ship Galaxy Train .”
This tale is a tale which explained the true purpose for which an “Unidentified Flying Object” flies to the earth.
When the soul of a desire budded for human being, in the world of God 900 billions trillion light year away from the earth, manufacture of the special spacecraft which can move between the universes “Space Ship Galaxy Train” which carries out the local train of all the Galaxies of the 7 th universe was advanced. This enterprise is an enterprise which the spirit-of-a-departed-person party is advancing. In the world of God, the means which can move space had only the “moment space move machine.” The capacity of this machine was one person. With this machine, many gods cannot be carried to the Galaxy of the universe. Then, the spirit-of-a-departed-person party started manufacture of the special spacecraft “Space Ship Galaxy Train” which can carry many gods in large quantities. The purpose of “Space Ship Galaxy Train” of this special spacecraft is for conveying the evangelist of the spirit-of-a-departed-person party which spreads “the soul of the good” of a spirit-of-a-departed-person party in the universe. And another important purpose is carrying the “soul” of all living things which died in the 7 th universe to the “soul management center” in the world of God. Heaven is a “soul management center.” The load of the return from the Galaxy of “Space Ship Galaxy Train” of a special spacecraft was “the soul from which all living thing died.”
The biggest problem of “Space Ship Galaxy Train” currently manufactured with such a purpose was a setup of speed. It is 900 billions trillion light year away from the world of God up to the earth. It became a problem in how much time this distance is movable. One proposal was submitted when worrying about such a problem. It was the proposal of making it a setup which can move in 49 days in the world and the earth of God. If there is time of 49 days, a traveler can experience travel feeling.
Then, the speed of “Space Ship Galaxy Train” was decided in 49 days which can experience travel feeling with a majority in favor. The following problem was a fare. Various arguments developed the fare. Finally the fare was decided by “Rokumon.” “Roku” of “Rokumon” is “6.” 6 is “sex.” “mon” is the unit of the currency of the “Edo period” of old Japan. Japanese is a “ 文 .” Therefore, Japanese people are calling “Rokumonsen” “Space Ship Galaxy Train” of this special spacecraft. On the earth, various countries exist. Then, it was decided as a fare converting and paying money of each country to “Rokumon.” A “moment space move machine” can move space to a moment. However, feeling of a trip cannot be experienced at this speed.
After speed and a fare were decided, also in manufacture of “Space Ship Galaxy Train”, heat entered much more. And it completed at last in one year. In the world of God, the “completion ceremony” which celebrates the completion was celebrated. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel of the spirit-of-a-departed-person party leader made a speech as follows in front of many gods the session.
“Space Ship Galaxy Train” was completed at last by your power. I am thankful to you. Completion of this special spacecraft “Space Ship Galaxy Train” was our earnest wish. The soul of our good is spread by it by many evangelists of a spirit-of ?a-departed- person party in the 7 th universe. The best chance to expand the share of the whole universe of the soul of the good of a spirit-of-s-departed-person party came now. This is opening of Great Navigation Age of the universe. The whole universe will become the dark world if evangelist of our member of the party does not spread the soul of the good. Before devil evil spirit God of an evil spirit party expands the share of a soul of evil, let's get ahead and advance to the 7 th universe. Otherwise, the human beings of the earth will lose all by a nuclear war. We have to operate “Space Ship Galaxy Train” correctly so that it may not become such a thing. For that purpose, your cooperation is surely required. Probably devil evil spirit God of an evil spirit party will surely put the evangelist of a soul of evil on “Space Ship Galaxy Train” using every means. We have to prevent only this getting in at any cost at the water's edge. Therefore, please tell a
Spirit-of-a-departed-person party about the information on a disquieting motion of an evil spirit party. What kind of small information is sufficient as the information. That is the best plan which maintains the peace of the whole universe. Please give me your cooperation again.
The speech was rounded off with the above.”
Although, as for devil evil spirit God of the evil spirit party which was listening to this speech, Prime Minister God of “ultra angel had said such a thing, we provided every means and said, “It gets in Space Ship Galaxy Train” .” It threw away saying “look soon”, it left words, and he went away and went from the ceremony hall. Also in the world of God, sublime fighting “the good and wrong” is trying to start.
The completion ceremony was finished at last. No1 of memorable “Space Ship Galaxy Train” tends to pick up the evangelist of many spirit-of-a-departed-person parties, and it is going to leave it for the 7 th universe now. The evangelist of many spirit-of-a-departed-person parties is going to send also into the earth of the solar system of the Milky Way Galaxy. And the member of the party of an evil spirit party succeeded in changing oneself into the evangelist of a spirit-of-a-departed-person party, and already getting in “Space Ship Galaxy Train.” The guard of a spirit-of-a-departed-person party has not noticed this at all. And “Space Ship Galaxy Train” was left in such the state. Devil evil spirit God of an evil spirit party thought in the heart “our victory is trustworthy.”
The spirit-of-a-departed-person party seized on the spare time of defense. The load of return of this “Space Ship Galaxy Train” is the soul of all the living things of the 7 th universe. Of course, it is due to also carry the soul of the human beings of the earth and to return. Human beings' soul is due to be carried to a “soul management center”, in order to obtain an eternal life. In fact, the place which human beings are calling Heaven is the “soul management center” of a spirit-of-a-departed-person party.
There is serious information for all you that read this short story tale. In fact, “Space Ship Galaxy Train” which appears in this tale is the true character of “UFO”, i.e., an “unidentified flying object”, which has become the center of attention on the earth. “UFO” was “Space Ship Galaxy Train.”
Do you believe this? Or doesn't it believe? It is your freedom.
The End.
To an information page.
No3. Earth capture battle of “God of land”, and “marine God”.
※ This tale shows the reason from which the land of the earth and a marine rate were set to 3 to 7.
A long time ago, “G0d of land” and “marine God” were carrying out the capture battle of the surface area of the earth. “God of land” had said to “marine God” in violent words, “Since this earth all belongs to me, leave it from this earth!” It had retorted “since this earth belongs to me, you go away” to “God of land” without losing it in “marine God.” It had fought for such a tune no less than 1 billion years, without yielding each other 1 step every day.
The report for which these both have fought went into the place of Place of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel of the spirit-of-a-departed-person party leader in the world of God 900 billions trillion light year away from this earth. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel which got to know such a report told close attendants the language of the following contents.
“In such a thing, settlement never sticks. I have to go to the earth and have to intercede. It said, “I go to the earth by space move machine” at the “moment immediately now.”
The close attendants who heard such contents were panicked. However, signs that the intention of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel changed an idea firmly were not able to be seen. Therefore, close attendants prepared the “moment space move machine” immediately. And immediately, Prime Minister God of an ultra angel rode on the machine, and was left for the earth. In fact, the spirit-of-a-departed-person party arranged the “space problem discovery inquiry satellite” at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Therefore, the spirit-of-a-departed- person party has grasped all the problems that have occurred on the earth.
Prime Minister God of an ultra angel which came to the earth in an instant went into agency of a quarrel of “God of land”, and “marine God” immediately. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel said,” first of all, please cool the head.” “God of land” which was hearing it was told to “it is Welcome! to the earth of the lonely countryside of the universe”, and Prime Minister God of an ultra angel. And I said immediately that there was no problem even if you come to the earth. I said “marine God” that there is no problem similarly. Then, Prime Minister God of an ultra angel understood, and said thank you. And it said, “There was worth which came to the earth from afar.” “God of land” which was hearing it questioned Prime Minister God of an ultra angel “what kind of settlement offer you have prepared.” Prime Minister God of an ultra angel which heard it said, “The land of this earth and a marine ratio are set to 5 to 5.” God of both which were hearing it were repelled all at once. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel has held the head in this rebounding. And it became anxious about whether a problem is solved in the state of such confusion from the beginning. I thought that Prime Minister God of an ultra angel regarded as not carrying out problem solving even if worried would hear the hope of distribution of both of Gods. It asked first “God of land.” “God of land” said that it wanted at least 80 percent. “Marine God” has been referred to as wanting at least 80 percent. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel which heard the hope said, “Why is your avarice deep?” And it was murmured that it was troubled. I thought that it would take out the last trump card the way things stand since Prime Minister God of an ultra angel thought that it did not carry out problem solving at all. And Prime Minister God of an ultra angel said to both of Gods, “Even if it hears your talk, since a problem is not solved, it takes out the last trump card.” “God of land” questioned Prime Minister God of an ultra angel “What the trump card is.” “Marine God” asked the same thing. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel explained the answer of the question as follows.
“A simulation, then human beings are born in the future of this earth by highly efficient computer, and it comes to live in land. And those human beings use the resources of this earth in large quantities after the Industrial Revolution in the 18 th century, in order to live a life of them rich. Especially the fossil fuel of coal and oil is consumed in large quantities. And not to mention human beings' population decreases, it increases increasingly. If many land to “God of land” is given to that such a state is known, human beings will further development increasingly. Therefore, this earth may be destroyed. In addition to it, human beings from an organization with the concept of a “country.” Since such a “country” was formed, human beings' tragedy starts. It is the argument involving a territory. Human beings like it, and even if it wars for that purpose, they want to make a “territory” into the territory of their own country. And many human beings are killed in the war. Therefore, I do not want to give you much land. An ugly war which is not considered to give you much land surely occurs in human beings. Therefore, I think that distribution of land is a thing with twenty percent or 30 exactly sufficient percent.”
It was said that “God of land” was a lonely number immediately after saying the above contents. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel which heard that told “God of land” the following contents.
“It turns out that human beings use a fish, marine seaweed, a marine shellfish, etc. as food. If many land is given to you, all resources, such as a fish in the sea, seaweed, and a shellfish, are consumed by human beings. Therefore, it will become a serious thing if the sea is not made large. I want you to understand this somehow.”
I have been seriously lost in thought with whether “God of land” which heard the above thing becomes such s thing. Prime Minister God of an ultra angel told “God of land” the thing of the following contents continuously.
“There is something to still speak about. Human beings burn the fossil fuel of the earth and will live in the future. Therefore, much carbon dioxide is generated. In the earth, a “global warming issue” occurs by this. This problem has a close relation with human beings' desire. Human beings are divided into advanced nations and underdeveloped country by whether the speed of industrialization is early or late. And it competes mutually and a country is made rich. However, the underdeveloped country which wakes up to industrialization at last and is trying to become rich is negative to “global warming issue.” And although it is an advanced nation in inside, priority is given to the profits of its own country, and a negative country also appears in a “global warming issue.” If some negative big countries do not cooperate even if many countries thank that they will concern themselves with a “global warming issue” positively, this problem will become “nothing but a drop in the bucket.”A “global warming issue” will be surprising for such a reason. Therefore, don't I have the share of “God of land”, and the land of this earth put up with at the 30 percent?”
Prime Minister God of an ultra angel said the above thing. “Marine God” which was hearing it said that the earth will become a serious thing in the future. He understood that the share of its sea is 70 percent as “marine God” is based on the proposal of present Prime Minister God of an ultra angel. And it said to Prime Minister God of an ultra angel, “I approve of the proposal.” And I thought in the heart “God of bland” which was hearing it” would become a serious thing if the earth will raise the share of land in the future.” The agreeing stripes of the “God of land” regarded as such were immediately carried out to the proposal of Prime Minister God of an ultra angel. It succeeded in Prime Minister God of an ultra angel having you drink its proposal from “God of land”, “marine God”.
And Prime Minister God of an ultra angel told both repeatedly not to become a trouble later. Finally “God of land” made the following questions Prime Minister God of an ultra angel.
“When human beings are not able to solve the problem of an idea lever for a “global warming issue” lightly in the future, what do we plan to do with this earth?”
Prime Minister God of an ultra angel answered as follows to it.
“It answered “The earth is then made only into the sea.”
And that was left untold, and Prime Minister God of an ultra angel returned and went to the world of God with the “moment space move machine.”
The rate of land and the sea was decided from such a reason.
The End.
To an information page.
No4. The tale of the guardian deity of children to whom the name of Mr. True heart was attached.
Author. Harunobu Kodama.
As for man, important one is a “true heart” fundamentally. It will be a “root” is a “true heart” is compared by Thurs. A tree can bear any storms, it this root is solid. Man can also bear the temptation which hits a storm, difficulty, and adverse circumstances, if the “true heart” which is equivalent to a root as well as a tree is solid.
Shall the confused present age let's values at an eye the “true heart” which is not visible? The background which considered this tale has the flood of the information under the name of being free.
I regarded as it missing what is important by the flood of this information. Moreover, if it repents from the bottom of it's heart even if man commits a crime once he can do redo. I want it to understand “man's real value is decided by the soul of the future instead of the past soul.”
This tale was created for the above reason.
A long time ago, the guardian deity of children who does not have cleaning carried out had been in the village with the country in Japan for a long time. Garbage, dust, and moss adhered, and the guardian deity of children was covered also with fallen leaves, and was dirty. The people of a village were cleaning the guardian deity of children finely before. However, the heart of the people of a village would change from a certain time, and nobody will clean up.
The one old woman has moved to the vacant room on the other side of the guardian deity of children of this village in the autumn of a certain year. This old woman was worshipping the sun from the young time. The prayer was carried out to “I need your help so that it can live in safety for one day today” by the sun every morning. Moreover, the prayer was carried out to “I need your help so that it can live peacefully for one day today.” And finally the old woman had offered the language of gratitude by “thank you” to the sun.
Shortly after the old woman with such a custom thought that she would carry out the greeting of a move in the neighborhood, walked in it and went to it at the next day with arrangement of a move, she found the dirty guardian deity of children. The old woman said at once, “A guardian deity of children dirty like this is pitiful.” And the old woman has forgotten the greeting of a move completely and went the tool of cleaning picking to her own house. And the old woman who brought the tool of cleaning from the house began cleaning of a guardian deity of children hard. Since it had not cleaned up for a long time, the cleaning suffered troubles very much. The old woman has also forgotten the tiredness of a move and has cleaned the guardian deity of children very finely. She was glad for the old woman to have looked at that the guardian deity of children became beautiful, and say, “It was good and good.” And the old woman decided it firmly that it will clean this guardian deity of children every day to the heart. The old woman thought that a guardian deity of children will surely be glad. The old woman who considered such a thing went home, in order to rest the body which was tiring. And the old woman ended a round of courtesy calls of the neighborhood, after resting.
After beginning cleaning of a guardian deity of children, the old woman prayed with her hands joined, and prayed to the guardian deity of children every day. Of course, the old woman prayed also to the sun that it was usual. At a certain time, the old woman who is leading such a life built the hut for the guardian deity of children, in order to protect s guardian deity of children from rain, a wind, and snow. It is because the old woman looked at being exposed to a rainstorm and the guardian deity of children regarded her as pitiful. The old woman built the hut and was glad like her thing in “It was good and good.”
A prayer is considered as cleaning of a guardian deity of children, and an old woman tried to return in the morning of summer three years after an old woman moves so that it may be usual. As for the old woman, someone's voices went into the ear then. The contents of the voice were thank you about cleaning every day. And the voice of the following contents has also been heard. “I am the guardian deity of children here.” “Thank you very much for the Otora old woman.” The old woman who heard such voice was astounded and has omitted the waist. The old woman did not understand what occurred for a moment. In fact, it is because an old woman's name was “Otora.” The called old woman said her name “There are those who called my name now.” And it looked around the hit. However, there was o figure. The old woman had the question whether the guardian deity of children uttered voice. If it thinks for a while with such a question, the voice of the following contents has been heard again. “I am the guardian deity of children here.” “I called your name and described the language of gratitude.” The old woman who heard such voice thought that she would see the dream or the phantom. And the cheek was pinched. The old woman thought immediately “it is painful.” The old woman has sensed that this is not a dream or a phantom, either. And the old woman returned to self immediately and questioned the guardian deity of children “Why my name is know.” Then, the guardian deity of children said to the old woman, “I know all.” The old woman who heard this has been surprised. The guardian deity of children continued the talk. “Let's give the anything which you expect to the gratitude of daily cleaning.” “Are there any things needed?” The guardian deity of children told the old woman “please do not hesitate to say to me.” The old woman who heard this said to the guardian deity of children, “Since I am an old person, a wish does not have me at all.” Then, the guardian deity of children said, “You are a human being without avarice.” And it continued. The guardian deity of children said to the old woman, “I give you money and rice required for a life from now on.” The old woman who heard this told the guardian deity of children “thank you” obediently. The guardian deity of children spoke about nothing since then. The old woman regarded today's exchange with a guardian deity of children as nobody's believing, even if it talks to others. Then, the old woman decided it firmly that it will be silent without also telling whom this to the heart. And the old woman who woke up on the morning of the next day discovered having put much money and rice on the door. And the old woman who looked at it has been surprised. And the prayer of gratitude was immediately offered to the guardian deity of children. The old woman who ate breakfast went to place of a guardian deity of children immediately, uttered voice, saying “It is thank you about much money and rice”, and said the language of gratitude.
The grandfather of the landlord of the old woman who lives next door to the old woman was looking at the guardian deity of children of yesterday and today and the exchange of an old woman. This landlord's grandfather is avaricious, comes out, and he is a sly human being. However, this grandfather is a rich man with many property. Such a landlord's grandfather thought in the heart “if a guardian deity of children is cleaned, he will be the good guardian deity of children who expects me speaking and who gives anything.” The sly grandfather thought that he would cheat a guardian deity of children out of a lot of money. And a landlord's sly grandfather decided at the heart that an old woman would be imitated and he would clean up from tomorrow evening.
A landlord's grandfather came before the guardian deity of children with the tool of cleaning on the evening of the next day. Since the old woman cleaned the guardian deity of children every day, he was very beautiful. A landlord's grandfather cleaned up simply without putting the heart, since the guardian deity of children was beautiful. A landlord's grandfather thought in the heart “if such easy cleaning is done, a guardian deity of children will surely speak to me.” However, even if it did such easy cleaning every day, the guardian deity of children did not speak to the grandfather. The grandfather of quick-tempered character said in loud voice, “This guardian deity of children is surely foolish with a mere stone.” This grandfather began to speak ill of a guardian deity of children also to per punishment. Imitation which bears and cleans up in order that this grandfather may cheat a guardian deity of children out of a lot of money, thought slander is said was carried out. And at last, after beginning cleaning, voice of a guardian deity of children was able to be heard one day after half a year. The guardian deity of children said, “It is useless, even if it carries out imitation which carries out Mr. Heikichi of a landlord and cleaning and tries to deceive me.” And the guardian deity of children continued. It said, “You took no interest in me until now, after being born.” It said, “You looked at cleaning the next old woman's Otora, and I thought that he also wanted to share good luck.” It said, “However, although Mr. Heikichi and you have many property of ancestor each generation, there is no important thing which is not visible in an eye.” It said, “Whether you have caught a sight for which an old woman's Otora is joining for which the palms together and praying.” It said, “It is a beautiful figure.” It said, “Since it is not praying for an old woman's Otora for profit and loss or profits, it is beautiful.” It said, “It is merely praying for an old woman's Otora only by the heart of gratitude.” It said, “I was impressed by the true heart of such an old woman's Otora.” It said, “I understand immediately the heart of a sly and covetous human being like you.” It said, “I know about the red bean paste of the steamed filled dumplings currently sold at a nearby hot spring resort's souvenir store of you.” It said, “You put in the red bean paste in the steamed filled dumplings of the remainders of the steamed filled dumplings which you made into new steamed filled dumplings, and sell it.” It said, “I am not deceived although you think that you thought that I was noticed by nobody.” A landlord's grandfather has been astounded at this. Since the thing of the red bean paste of the steamed filled dumplings which it must have been noticed by nobody sure is pointed out to a guardian deity of children, a landlord's grandfather has omitted the waist. And a landlord's grandfather came to self immediately and asked a question “Why he knows my name and about red bean paste.” Then, the guardian deity of children said, “I know all.”
A landlord's grandfather was surprised also at this. However, a landlord's grandfather refuted it as “Not being profitable even if this world says high-sounding ideas” against the guardian deity of children. The guardian deity of children who was hearing it said the following. It was said, “Whether even if you profit by a dirty method, you are calm.” It said “I hear that the beautiful contrary is dirty.” It said, “A dirty way may be successful temporarily.” And it was said immediately, “however, an evil deed was surely stuck and was exposed.” It said, “And the cunning for hiding the evil deed comes out rapidly, and finally those who commit an evil deed abolish property, also lose trust, and lose all.” It said “Foundations are important for man.” It said, “If you forget the foundations, various problems will come out.” It said, “So Mr. Heikichi of grandfather has to set the foundations of life the true heart which is not visible.” It said, “You are a big chance to reflect on the way of life of now and former, and reform oneself.” The grandfather of the landlord who heard those things was surprised and was troubled by the answer. And it thought for a while and a landlord's grandfather thought in the heart, “The guardian deity of children admonished gently conversely without giving me punishment, knowing about the red bean paste of steamed filled dumplings.” The grandfather of the landlord impressed by tenderness of such a guardian deity of children answered the guardian deity of children “please let the present contents think overnight.” Then, the guardian deity of children said, I understand.”
A landlord's grandfather looked back upon old life the night without also carrying out a wink of sleep. And a landlord's grandfather found out “A human being called himself does not have gratitude in what, either, does not have a true heart, either, does not have compassion, either, is covetous, and is a human being of the egocentricity which considers only its profit.” A landlord's grandfather has noticed his true figure. And old behavior was repented, shedding tears. A landlord's grandfather reformed himself. It decided for putting in the red bean paste of the steamed filled dumplings of remainders into steamed filled dumplings new, of course to stop.
Instantly, a landlord's grandfather invited the next old woman, and joined the palms together and prayed to a guardian deity of children and the sun on the next day. Of course, together with the old woman, the grandfather put the true heart and cleaned the guardian deity of children. And a landlord's grandfather said, “When I did not have you discover my evil deed, it was just going to spend the surprising rest of its life”, and to the guardian deity of children. “Thank you very much” was told to the guardian deity of children. And continued, it said, “From now on, it is reformed and it lives.” It said, “I desire nothing.” It said, “from now on, discretion both sides of people of a village who are in trouble are helped.” It said, “And if the heart is changed to many people, it will tell that it can become fortunate”, and the palms were joined together to nature and a guardian deity of children. Then, the guardian deity of children said, “It determined to there well.” And it said, “You can surely become fortunate, if the remaining life is made a living in the present feeling”. It said, “You can surely go to Heaven, after dying”. It said, “Although I want to always make man happy, man does not turn toward me easily.” It said, “It is lonely if I do not have you have turned for a long time.” It said, “All your old behavior is allowed.” And the language turned into language of a guardian's deity of children last. Finally the guardian deity of children spoke about nothing.
After there was such an occurrence, whenever it cleaned this guardian deity of children, profits came to receive. People of a village named this guardian deity of children “Mr. True heart.” And forever, people of a village loved this guardian deity of children, and valued.
The End.
No5. A gratitude grandfather and complaint dissatisfied grumble grandmother.
The grandfather who appreciates all lived in the country village in Japan a long time ago. This grandfather was poor. “Thank you for air, the sun, a tree, and the bird” was said, and this grandfather appreciated, when he got up in the morning. This grandfather suffered troubles very much, when young. The head was full of white hair at the cause. Moreover, this grandfather always praised his son's bride. This grandfather always said to the world, “The bride good for my home came.” Even if the dish which the bride cooked was not delicious, this grandfather said, “It is delicious” and was eating with smile. This grandfather was called the “gratitude grandfather” in the village.
The old woman who says only a complaint, dissatisfaction, and grumbles every day lived in the place which separated a few from this grandfather's house. This old woman was rich contrary to the grandfather. This old woman had said to the bird, “A noisy bird eats”, when he got up in the morning and the bird was twittering. When the crow cried, it had said, “It is a completely noisy crow.”
When the dog barked, it had said, “A completely noisy dog eats.” This old woman had told all only a complaint, dissatisfaction, and grumbles in this way. This old woman always said to the world, “A son's bride is a useless bride.”
And this old woman had always depreciated the bride. It becomes impossible for this bride could finish bearing such environment, and she returned to the parents' home at last. This old woman said the following, when a daughter's son-in law came for play to an old woman's house.
Since you have some things needed, you come to my house.
Please buy a delicious thing, when you come to my house.
I will be irritated if your face is seen.
You are not handsome.
You are short.
Thus, an old woman is calm and says that people dislike. Moreover, this old woman had always fought for the thing of the boundary line of land with the resident of the next house. It had gone to the next house only by the dead leaf of the tree of the next house having fallen to its land to complain. Since this old woman was always such a tune, she was disliked by everybody. This old woman was called in the village the “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman.” This old woman inherits parents' property and was rich. This old woman was brought up without suffering troubles. And this old woman did not have appreciating something once. Though it was natural, this old woman's son had come out from the house.
Such a Buddhist priest shabby one day came for religious mendicancy to this village. The Buddhist priest dropped in at the house of a “gratitude grandfather.” And the Buddhist priest recited the Buddhist scripture in front of the door. Then, it was told to the Buddhist priest a “gratitude grandfather” “appreciated that you came to the village in such the heart of the mountains.” And the language of the following contents was told to the Buddhist priest.
My house is poor.
Therefore, there is nothing which is given to you.
Then, I give you the rice which was being made the schedule eaten today.
For many people, you use a leg as a stick, carry the body, and pray for people.
This act is valuable.
I can give you only a few to such a valuable.
Although it is uneasy, please accept the rice of this few.
The “gratitude grandfather” told the Buddhist priest the language of such contents. And the important rice which was being made the schedule eaten today was given to the Buddhist priest. The Buddhist priest who got this important rice said to the “gratitude grandfather”, I receive this act of yours obediently.” And this grandfather was continuously spoken to in the following.
What do you eat today, if there is no rice to eat?
The “gratitude grandfather” who heard it told the Buddhist priest the following.
Even if man will eat nothing about on the first, he does not die.
I will work tomorrow and will buy rice.
And the rice is eaten.
Man had better eat on the contrary nothing healthily about on the first.
The “gratitude grandfather” told the Buddhist priest the above thing. And finally this grandfather laughed in a loud voice. Finally the Buddhist priest who heard or looked at that said “thank you”, and went away and went from the house.
Next, the Buddhist priest went to the house of the rich “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman” near the house of a “gratitude grandfather” to ask for charity. And a Buddhist priest began to recite the Buddhist scripture. Then, immediately, the “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman” came out from the house, and told the Buddhist priest the language of the following contents.
Are you a “worldly priest” if something is thought?
You are dressing fairly penuriously.
There are nothings that are given to a “worldly priest” in my house.
Therefore, please go to another house quickly.
It is not necessary to recite the Buddhist scripture.
Your act is troublesome on the contrary.
The above surprising language was said to the Buddhist priest. The Buddhist priest who heard those language said that he understood obediently. And when trying to return from the old woman's house, the Buddhist priest found the big warehouse of the next door of a house. And it discovered that many straw rice bags were in a warehouse. The Buddhist priest who was surprised at it said to the old woman, “you are the rich man who owns much rice.” Then, the “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman” said to the Buddhist priest in violent words, “The rice is rice which not rice but I who give others eat.” The “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman” emitted the following language, seeing the sight of her back of the Buddhist priest who goes away.
When I am busy, it is troublesome that I come to my home.
Even if it recites the religious Buddhist scripture, there are no profits.
A Buddhist priest is only the beggar that is asking for charity only by wanting rice.
That Buddhist priest is a beggar priest.
This old woman showered surprising language over the Buddhist priest. Although those language was able to be heard, it became silent, and it returned and the Buddhist priest went.
Several years after there is such a thing, a “gratitude grandfather” and a “complaint dissatisfied grandfather” must go away from this world still more. That is, the time of dying came. The “gratitude grandfather” saw the last moment first. The “gratitude grandfather” said the following language to the family.
My life was fortunate.
This is your favor.
I am thankful to you.
Soon, French appearance will pick me up.
I was indebted to you.
I am thankful to all people concerned with me.
The “gratitude grandfather” died calmly immediately after finishing saying those language. The face was wearing the easy, very quiet face at the death. French appearance picked up the “gratitude grandfather.”
The “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman” was invaded by the unknown strange disease of a cause after the death of a “gratitude grandfather.” The strange disease is illness with the painful whole body. A “complaint dissatisfied grumble old-woman” object is painful, and very painful. Therefore, the old woman shouted in the big voice, “Since it is painful, someone should help me.” However, even if shouted in a loud voice, those who come to help had nobody. People who are in the old woman's surroundings were only able to do merely watching. And the old woman shouted about repeatedly “I do not want to die.”
However, the time of the last came at last. The last uttered the loud groan which seems to be painful and died. The face of a “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman” had become a look like a demon. The face had turned into a very fearful face. The Great King Yama's demon's messenger picked up the “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman.” The severe examination about a crime while in life is due to perform this old woman by the Great King Yama in the world after death. And the severe punishment over a crime while in life was waiting.
The End
Are you leading life now like a “gratitude grandfather”?
Or is he leading life like a “complaint dissatisfied grumble old woman”?
Man has the option of life.
No matter what life man may lead, he is free.
However, if it lives at any rate, let's lead the life for which all can be appreciated.
To an information page.
No6. “Mr. Jinbey” which has changed “poor God” into the “god of good luck”.
Thing may change by the viewpoint from which not only a rational view but the thing it is a thing visible to minus apparently different, the way, and correspondence to respond to. When it is in the difficulty of life, or the situation of minus of adverse circumstances, a new fresh ground may be opened by having such a view. Moreover, one has the strong point any human beings. Let's try to discover the strong point which did not deny all but is potentially hidden by any disagreeable human beings. Then, it surely takes to the man.
This tale was created by the above views.
“Poor God” and a “god of good luck” were drinking the wine drunk in celebration of the new year together in the shrine of the country village in Japan a long time ago in the new year of a certain year. “Poor God” said the language of the following contents.
Moreover, the new year came on.
I think now in how to settle in which house this year and make the house poverty.
The “god of good luck” who was hearing it said the language of the following contents.
I think now in how to settle in which house and make the house rich.
Although I am welcomed by everybody, “poor God” is not welcomed.
“Poor God” is not good trade.
“Poor God” which was hearing it answered as follows.
That is right.
“Poor God” is disliked by everybody and is a hanger-on.
The human being who welcomes me has nobody.
The god of good luck welcomed by everybody is enviable.
The trade “poor God” does not do.
Since I continue ancestor each generation, I am doing “poor God” reluctantly.
The “god of good luck” who was hearing it said the language of the following contents.
Does it understand why man welcomes and loves me?
The answer is from “if I settle, it will surely become rich.”
Since man understands it, it welcomes and he loves.
However, if the power in which I become illness etc. once and make man rich is lost, man will turn his coat.
The human being who turned his coat will “poor God” Treat, will beat op by acting as me, and, finally will drive out of the house.
Man does not do sick nursing.
As for language gentle to, in addition to it, one does not address.
“Poor God” which was hearing the language of such contents was said as follows.
Man is a cold animal if compelled.
Man will throw away, shortly after thinking that he is not helpful to himself.
Man will get angry shortly after a desire is not filled.
Man is a deplorable animal.
From about what time is it such a deplorable animal?
Among man, I think that he is not only such a deplorable person.
The “god of good luck” who was hearing it said as follows.
There are many human beings who think focusing on profit and loss.
If that is right and there is nothing, it will not surely be able to make a living.
All the things that have that want man became like this are for having got and having forgotten patience.
And it is because it ceased to consider things only at worth of profit and loss.
It was not conditional love a long time ago when man could not get a thing needed immediately and was suffering troubles.
Man's profit and loss and desire deprive man of unconditional love.
It is surely from such a reason that the present world and man's soul break.
My trade is not relieved, either.
My trade became the time when it could not make a living unless it maintains health, it makes man rich and I have a mood taken and loved.
Since what kind of method could be used to man, it had to stop having to achieve results.
More than the “god of good luck” considered, he is severe trade.
A “god of good luck” is not easy trade.
Since the god of good luck said the unexpected thing, poor God which heard such s thing was surprised. And it said as follows.
A “god of good luck” is not sweet trade like ancient times.
As for a “god of good luck”, not accepting, if results are not achieved is severe.
Even if it sees only the signboard of the surface a “god of good luck”, the contents of the business of a “god of good luck” are not understood.
While quarreling over such a thing, both of Gods are getting drunk and sleeping.
After falling asleep, several hours passed and both of Gods woke up. And both of Gods made the abode for one year turn around the house of a village to search. And both of Gods were left for the village. All people of a village had stood the signboard “poor God refuses although a god of good luck welcomes” under the eaves. “Poor God” which looked at those signboards said the following comment.
Those who welcome me this year also have nobody.
I will return and burn with a shrine in a hurry, and will also drink alcohol.
However, I thought that it would return to a shrine after it turns around the village distant for a while, since “poor God” had time. As expected, the signboard under the eaves was only a signboard “poor God refuses it although a god of good luck is a big welcome” also in the distant village. However, poor God discovered the signboard “a god of good luck refuses it although poor God is a big welcome” on the signboard of the house of the farmhouse of the end of a village under the eaves.
He read “poor God”, it thought that it was a mistake, it went to near the signboard, and the signboard was read again. “Poor God” was read over repeatedly. However, the signboard was written “a god of good luck refuses it although poor God is a big welcome”. Although “poor God” read the signboard how many times, it was the same contents.
The irrational human being exists in this world.
Even so, although poor God is run for a long period of time, this is the first time that such a signboard is seen.
What kind of human being really lives in that house?
Poor God which got interested in the house decided to visit the house. And it stood in front of the door of the house, and greeted as follows.
I am poor God.
Since I was written “Poor God is a big welcome” to the signboard of your house, I visited.
And the master of the house who heard it came to the door from back one. And the language of the following contents was said to “poor God.”
Poor God in which it believes although I was moving back this signboard under the eaves every year for a long period of time was not.
However, it came to my home at last.
You are first “poor God.”
Please do not hesitate to go into my home.
“Poor God” which heard it was able to believe its ear of its hardly for a moment. And the master of the house was questioned whether “poor God” said at once, “surely please go into my home now.” Then, the master of the house said, “That's right, yes, it is infallible.” It seemed not to believe in “poor God” which heard it for a moment. However, it came to self immediately and the master was reminded “Whether although I am true poor God, I am really good.” Then, the master of the house said, “It is really good.” And I said to “poor God”, when waited eagerly for “poor God” for a long time. “Poor God” was surprised and was carried out dubiously. And it came to self immediately again, it said, “If the feeling which thinks of me is so strong, I will interfere unreservedly”, and went into the house. The drawing room of the house let's “poor God” pass, and it was sat on the floor cushion of an upper seat. And the master of the house greeted as follows.
It often came to my home.
I was waiting.
My name is “Jinbey.”
※ ( It is “ 甚平 ” when “Jinbey” is expressed in Japanese. )
My house is only a farmhouse.
Please stay at my home by all means overnight today.
I think that entertainment wants to welcome it as hard as possible although there is no great thing.
Please pass slowly.
“Poor God” which heard those languages was able to believe its ear hardly again. And it said to “Jinbey” as follows.
“Mr. Jinbey”, Such experience is the first although I am doing poor God for a long time.
What do you consider?
I do not understand in the least.
“Jinbey” which heard it answered as follows.
I am a perverse fellow.
The “god of good luck” regards public people as it being true God.
However, I consider that “poor God” is splendid God.
I also surely consider “poor God” currently disliked by man that one has the strong point.
Since “poor God” is also God, God must not make a fool of it.
And I wanted to talk “poor God” and once, when I have a chance.
“Poor God” which heard such a thing was able to believe its ear hardy again. And it said to “Jinbey”, “It was disliked by man and he was surprised in wanting to hear a person's talk of me.” Then, “Jinbey” was said as follows.
Please take today slowly without reason.
My wife is heating the bath now.
If a bath is ready, please take a bath first.
Let's drink the wine drunk in celebration of the New Year after taking a bath.
The opinion “you! the bath was ready” was able to be heard from the direction of the kitchen of a house immediately after finishing saying this. Then, “Jinbey” said to its wife, “Come here and greet poor God.”
Then, his wife came to the drawing room from the kitchen, and the following language was said.
Welcome to my home!
My name is “Osode.”
Please pass slowly at my home today.
Since it is the time a bath is ready soon, first of all, please take a bath.
It heard that his wife said “poor God”, and had the question “Don't these husband and wife have abnormalities in soul!?” However, it was not abnormal. Two persons were normal human beings. Poor God went to be invited by such one's a wife's words and to take a bath. “Jinbey” said to its wife, “While poor God is taking a bath, please prepare alcohol and entertainment.” Then, his wife said, “Yes, I understand” and went to the kitchen.
His wife made all preparations of the party finish, while “poor God” was taking a bath. After a while, “poor God” came out from the bath. And it sat on the floor cushion of a drawing room. Poor God uttered the cry “u, u, u…..”, and has cried at the same time it sat on the floor cushion. That was not having considered for “poor God.” Always “poor God” was made into the intruder, or was oppressed by man until now, and was loved by nobody. Therefore, since “Jinbey” treated warmly, that has moved and nature and a tear came out. It said to “poor God”, “let's forget old and greatly drink by two persons today” “Jinbey” which was looking at such a situation. And subsequently “Jinbey” gave alcohol to “poor God.” Since it curves, two persons drank and exchanged alcohol, having a chat. And “poor God” around which drunkenness turned considerably questioned “Jinbey” “Why you are kind from the world at a hanger-on.” Then, “Jinbey” answered as follows.
I am a perverse fellow as said first.
I am strangely interested in those who are disliked by people or those who are made a fool of.
I also surely consider such people that one has the strong point.
I like discovering such a strong point.
Moreover, it is pleasure of life.
However, if, as for people of a village, I take out such a signboard under the eaves, “Jinbey” will say that he is an eccentric person, will be used as the relish of alcohol, and will be made a fool of.
If the children of a village also look at me, it says, “The eccentric person came” and a fool is made.
However, I prize my idea.
“Poor God” which heard these things said the following language.
“Mr. Jinbey” is really wonderful person.
As for me, it is first to have met a human being like you…..u.u.u.u.uuuuuu….Moreover, “poor God” cried.
“Jinbey” which was looking at such a situation was told to “poor God” as follows.
Please greatly cry today.
Please pour and feel refreshed all the “dirt of the heart” that piled up on the old intention with a tear.
“Poor God” which heard this cried in still louder voice. And “Jinbey” said to “poor God” after a while, “Please live in the household Shinto after of my home for a long period of time rather than please staying overnight today.” “Poor God” which heard it was surprised and spoke about the following language.
May I really live in a household Shinto altar for a long period of time?
I am real “poor God.”
Is still it good one?
Is it really good?
Thus, “poor God” told repeatedly and was asked to “Jinbey.” Then, “Jinbey” answered as follows.
It is OK.
Please live in the household Shinto altar of my home for a long period of time.
It was told to “Jinbey” “poor God” which checked the answer “then lived unreservedly.” It was glad for “Jinbey” to say, “It was good and good.” “Poor God” which was looking at the situation thought increasingly “he is a wonderful human being truly” in the heart. While talking such a thing, two persons are getting drunk and sleeping.
When poor God woke up in the next morning, bedding was put on itself. “Poor God” rose and washed the face. “Jinbey” questioned such “poor God” “Whether it was able to rest slowly.” It was answered to “Jinbey” to it “Yes, it could be absent from “poor God” slowly.” And the language of gratitude by “thank you” was emitted. It was the first experience that poor God says the language of gratitude. “Jinbey” heard the language, and I had it be pleased with poor God, and it thought, “It was really good.” “Poor God” has surrendered to the personal character of such “Jinbey.” And he forgets completely the main occupation of “making people poverty.” Conversely, “poor God” is the feeling of wanting to make “Jinbey” happy harder than others.
Loud voice was sounding in the door one day one month after such a thing. Poor God wondered what has occurred and went to the door. Then, the dept collector of the usurer of money was coming to the door. Good-natured “Jinbey” had become the joint surety of a friend's debt. The friend escaped to somewhere, without the ability paying a debt.
Then, the dept collector was demanding payment of “Jinbey.” Although Jinbey felt responsibility and the remarkable amount of money was repaid, the principal did not decrease easily for high interest. “Poor God” which considered such a thing showered the following language toward the debt collector.
An unjust debt collector guy!
I am real “poor God” which is dependent on this house.
Probably, “Jinbey” of the master of this house was repaid very much.
Stop such heavy collection!
Probably, almost all the principals are repaid.
It is not necessary to repay you.
Therefore, it returns!
The debt collector who heard it showered the following language over “poor God.”
It is that it is not related to you.
Don't poke your nose into this problem!
Poor God which heard such violent words emitted the language of the following contents, without the ability bearing.
You cannot listen to what I say.
If it is right, I also have an idea.
I settle in your house eternally and make you poverty thoroughly.
Is still it good?
A little “poor God” strengthened the tone, and threatened the debt collector. The debt collector who heard such a thing surprised and said the following.
“Poor God” cannot be won.
It is not what accumulated if it was thoroughly made poverty to you.
It surrenders to you.
It will never come to the house in which such “poor God” has settled.
Leaving such a thing untold, the debt collector ran away from the house of “Jinbey.” “Jinbey” which was looking on those full particulars told thank you to “poor God.” And it said, “It was saved, thanks to you.” “Poor God” which was hearing the language was said as follows.
I wanted to be helpful to you.
It is based on your pure “true heart” that my heart moved.
I am glad to have you be pleased with such an easy act.
“Jinbey” which was hearing this language said “poor God”, “You have such a good strong point.” “Poor God” which heard it said the following.
This is the power of your natural virtue.
It is not my power.
By the way, may I stay with you for a long period of time?
It was said that Jinbey which heard it was OK, of course.
“Poor God” which heard this answer considered the thing of the following contents in the heart.
“Jinbey” is the really precious person who is not present in the present world easily.
Such a person cannot be made poverty.
I want to carry out somehow and to make “Jinbey” happy harder than others.
Poor God considered such a thing in the heart. “Poor God” was the moment of being “heart of a god of good luck.” It was the proof of not being already “poor God” to have become “heart of a god of good luck.”
Since it curves, all the enterprises that he drew up were successful and “Jinbey” became a large rich man.
That “Jinbey” became a large rich man came to consider people of a village who were looking on such a situation with since “poor God” was welcomed.
And people of a village came to stand the signboard a god of good luck refuses it although poor God is a big welcome under the eaves in the annual New Year.
However, even if it imitated “Jinbey”, nobody visited “poor God.”
He doubted why “poor God” would not visit people of a village.
People of a village regarded “Jinbey” which became a large rich man as enviable, and lived.
And people of a village came to worship at the household Shinto altar of the house of “Jinbey” in the annual New Year.
The End.
※ Did you read this tale and what kind of comment have?
It is difficult for man to give people “unconditional love.”
However, truth is in “unconditional love.”
To an information page.
No7. The tale of “the big man who saved the life of people of a village and who is not useful”.
“Bullying” is human rights abuse” which damages man's heart. Please do not perform an act oneself not to do to others. Those who are now hard on someone need to stop bullying at once. The consciousness “it is also a certain weapon dying and driving away a partner” is required for “bullying”. This tale is a tale which regarded as wanting to understand “Bullying is a bad thing”, and was considered.
The “big man who is not useful” who is sleeping if it eats heavily a long time ago, without working in the village at the foot of a mountain of “Nasu plateau” of Japan every day lived.
※ Nasu plateau………The plateau in the “Nasu district” of Tochigi Prefecture in Japan. A “Nasu hot spring” is famous.
※ (It is “ 那須 ” when “Nasu” is expressed in Japanese.)
The big man's name was called “Gosaku.”
※ (It is “ 吾作 ” when “Gosaku” is expressed in Japanese.)
He was born as the eldest son of a farmhouse. Since he only slept every time he ate heavily from the time of a child, only the body became large. His height is 2m80cm. People of a village were calling it “the big man who is not useful” without calling him by a name. He was meeting “bullying” made a fool of from people of a village from such a reason.
One day, the children of a village passed by the house front in which “the big man who is not useful” lives. Children also called it “the big man who is not useful”, without imitating an adult and calling the name of “Gosaku”, and made a fool. “Gosaku” was meeting “bullying” made a fool of also from the children of a village. The children of a village came to imitate the adult. The children of a village were sometimes throwing the stone towards “Gosaku.”At such time, without getting angry, Gosaku merely became silent and had borne.
“Gosaku” had the heart gentle to. However, the father and mother of “Gosaku” had given up, saying “It is useless whatever it may tell him.” Nevertheless, parents thought that they wanted “Gosaku” to work at any cost, and were doing various advice. However, the advice was not effective at all. Parents thought that “Gosaku” was illness, were sometimes absent from farm labor, and had the doctor diagnose him. However, there was no bad affected part. Although parents had various doctors diagnose, abnormalities were not in the body of “Gosaku.”
“Gosaku” was healthy. However it might be hard on the son, the parents of Gosaku said, “Your strong point is that the heart is gentle”, and praised him. And parents said, “The time of your being helpful to people surely comes”, and encouraged the son. Moreover, parents were teaching the son “Before man leaves for the next world, you have to carry out that it helpful to people once.”
When it discovered that the children of a village were teasing “Gosaku”, the parents of “Gosaku” raised the big voice, saying. “Don't make a fool of a son!”, and had expelled children. And the parents of “Gosaku” sometimes went to the temple of a village, and were praying to the Buddha statue of a temple “A son needs your help so that it may become the day of when, or the human being who surely stands on other people's role.” The chief priest of a temple also prayed together. It was just going only for this temple to rest the heart for parents and “Gosaku.”
In fact, this village encountered the flood damage of heavy rain every year. The river improvement enterprise of a village was behind. The reason did not have money in a village.
The heavy rain which has not been experienced until now got down to the mountains of the “Nasu federation” the night of the summer of a certain year. It did not rain in this village of foot. However, the man named “Takehachi” which lives near the “Yosasa river” which is flowing this village conveyed the following words to the whole village in loud voice. ※ (It is “ 武八 ” when “Takehachi” is expressed in Japanese. It is “ 余笹川 ” when “yosasa river” is expressed in Japanese.)
It is serious!!
It is serious!!
A village is attacked by the massive flood!!
When I was sleeping, I heard the sound in which a big stone rolls with “goro!! goro!!” from the upstream of a river.
It remembered having said that the sound in which a stone rolls was the sound in which the water of a river washes away a stone from the old woman from whom I died.
And immediately after hearing the sound, it also remembered having said “Escape to heights.”
Therefore, please escape early wholly!!
Please escape early!!
“Takehachi” turns around all the corners of a village, and continued crying for such language. And “Takehachi” orders a half-bell to people and continued having it sounded.
( ※ When a half-bell is translated into modern style, it is a siren.)
A half-bell “it is Kan! Kan! Kan! The sound” was made and it resounded. The sound sounded shrilly to all the corners of a village.
The house of “Gosaku” also heard the sound of this half-bell. And “Gosaku” and parents escaped to heights together with people of a village. However, when it came to the middle, the bridge concerning the small river of outskirts of a village was already poured. Therefore, escaping to heights became impossible. This bridge was the only bridge which can go to heights. The rain which fell for the upstream was making the water of this river already rise. The depth of water of this river had become about 3m. The width of a river of this river is not long. However, it was the width of a river over which it cannot jump by man's power. However, this width of a river was the width of a river which reaches the opposite side, when “Gosaku” lengthened the hand for a while. If this river is not crossed, it cannot take refuge in heights. “Heizo” of the senior of a village cried for the language of the following contents.
※ (It is “ 平蔵 ” when “Heizo” is expressed in Japanese.)
It is serious!!
Everybody dies here.
Isn't there any good wisdom?
However, those who mind is frightened by fear for which this darkness and flood press to death for people of a village, and reply to such a thing did not have one person, either. A woman and an old man do not have a complexion to feeling of despair. And the child is sobbing. “Gosaku” which is made a fool of with “the big man who is not useful”, and is teased from people of a village at such time cried for the following language in a loud voice toward people of a village suddenly.
I become a bridge!!
If I lengthen a hand for a while and fall on this river, I can become the bridge of this river.
If I become a bridge, please cross to the opposite side through my leg, the back, and hand.
Since “Gosaku” which made a fool of with “the big man who is not useful”, and was being teased suddenly cried for such a thing, people of a village have been surprised. People of a village were wearing the face of not being believed at all. Then, “Gosaku” shouted in a loud voice, “Time will be lost if flurried!!” And it cried for “Gosaku” in the big voice to people of a village, “Please bind both my legs to the tree in the shore of a river.” There was a tree in the shore of a river with sufficient fate exactly. The both hands of “Gosaku” cannot go to the opposite side of a river, and cannot be bound. Then, it was said “Gosaku” “hung on to the grass of the opposite side of a river.” It carried out as it came to self immediately and “Gosaku” said, although there were people of a village vacantly for a moment. In an urgent scene, there is no spare time which makes a fool of “Gosaku” and is teasing it. There was a villager who escaped with the rope to the happy thing. “Gosaku” cried for the following language in a loud voice to people of a village in a hurry.
There is already no time!!
Please bind both my legs to a tree first!!
If it binds to a tree, I will fall and will hold the grass of the opposite side by hand!!
If I fail to hold grass, please pull my body all together!!
It challenges once again!!
People of a village who heard it did as “Gosaku” said them immediately. When people of a village finished binding both the legs of “Gosaku” to a tree, “Gosaku” fell on the opposite side. And although the hand was applied to grass, it cannot hold. The first time went wrong.
Then, it cried for “Gosaku” in the big voice, “Please pull me in a hurry!!”
People of a village became desperate and pulled the body of “Gosaku.”
When it finished pulling, “Gosaku” fell on the opposite side of a river again.
It was able to hang on to grass firmly this time.
“Gosaku” shouted repeatedly in a loud voice to people of a village, “Please cross early!!”
People of a village who heard it made the child, the woman, and the old man walk on the body per person “Gosaku” previously first.
And it was able to arrive at the opposite side at all the members safety.
People of a village crossed shedding all the members tears, when walking across the body top of “Gosaku.”
All villagers shed and wandered around the tear, apologizing to “Gosaku” repeatedly, while wandering around the body top of “Gosaku” saying “since I made a fool of you and was hard on you, please allow.”
People of the village which it finished crossing pulled the hand of “Gosaku” which has hung on to grass, said repeatedly, “Do your best!!”, and encouraged.
People of the village which has pulled the hand of “Gosaku” said, “Please allow old bullying”, and apologized to him.
And people of a village apologized, shedding tears repeatedly.
In the meantime, “Gosaku” becomes desperate and bearing it was continued.
And when all people of a village finish crossing the body top of “Gosaku”, it cried for “Gosaku” repeatedly in the big voice to people of a village, “Please escape early!!”
Then, “Heizo” of the senior of a village said to “Gosaku””, “We consider how to help you now.”
Then, it was told to a senior's “Heizo” “Gosaku” “should not consider helping me.”
And there “there is no time”. It cried in a loud voice.
“Gosaku” was said as follows continuously.
If it does not act early, a lot of water will crowd!!
There is no flurried spare time!!
Since both the legs of “Gosaku” are bound by the tree, they do not help. Although people of a village became desperate and the hand of “Gosaku” was pulled, “Gosaku” fell into the river which brushed it off from itself, lifted the hand from grass, and is swollen from the face.
After a while, “Gosaku” died.
People of a village who were looking at the spectacle cried in a loud voice by all the members.
Some of the people also had the woman who is praying to God.
However, there is no time when a moment has also stopped in this place.
People of a village took refuge in safe heights in a hurry, shedding tears.
The massive flood attacked the village immediately after that.
People of a village were saved by a hairbreadth.
All people of a village had offered the language of gratitude to “Gsaku” forever, having looked up at heavens, having saved the life and shedding tears repeatedly as thank you.
The funeral of “Gosaku” was held in the temple of a village after of the day when “Gosaku” died on the river one week. The whole village regained composure at last. People of a village apologized for having made a fool of “Gosaku” and having teased it until now to the parents of “Gosaku.” And people of a village apologized for having made a fool of “Gosaku” and having teased it also to the Buddha statue of a temple, until now.
And it has noticed that it is sinful by the really bad thing that experience this sad occurrence and people of a village make a fool of people and that it is hard on people for the first time. People of a village woke up to “man's crime” in the compensation of the sacrifice which “Gosaku” paid.
It was lost that people of a village have made a fool of people, or have been hard on them since then. And “Gosaku” which saved a villager's life was forever handed down from generation to generation as a hero of this village. The monument was built and it was cut fine at the place of the bridge of a river, saying “The hero of a village is sleeping here.” And the full particulars of things were also minced by the monument. The number of the villager whom “Gosaku” helped was 115 persons. Then, people of a village put power into the river improvement enterprise, it became a safe village, and the villager became fortunate.
The End.
To an information page.
No8. The tale of “God which it fulfills anything”.
Doesn't your next lawn look blue?
Have not you measured the degree of happiness as compared with others?
Man has the owned difficulties to a person with property, and those who do not own have the difficulties which are not owned.
Difficulties must be carried on the back and man has to make a living until he dies, whichever man falls over.
This short story tale is a tale considered since he wanted it to think what happiness true for man is.
Isn't such a thing considered at this opportunity, either?
A long time ago, it worked in the village of the district of Japan and the farmer a person's “Magohachi” lived.
(It is “ 孫八 ” when “Magohachi” is expressed in Japanese.)
“Magohachi” was the best work person in a village. The name of the wife of “Magohachi” is “Ofuku”.
(It is “ お福 ” when “Ofuku” is expressed in Japanese.)
“Ofuku” is not a beauty. However, “Ofuku” is the first work person for the woman of a village. And housekeeping was doing work which may use mind. Therefore, “Magohachi” had no worries about work of a house. “Magohachi” had left all to “Ofuku” about work of a house. It was not at a loss for eating it, although there is not much property of “Magohachi.”
Since rice reaping of autumn also finished, “Magohachi” which was passing such common days wants to have come to go to a neighboring town to play. And “Magohachi” was left for the neighboring town at the next day which thought so. “Magohachi” which arrived at the town took a walk the inside of a town for a while. Then, the shabby old man stood the doubtful signboard to the corner of the inn of a town, and was doing business in it. It had written to the signboard “The price of the card of God which it fulfills anything is 2 dollars.”
( ※ In this tale, the unit of currency is expressed per dollar so that intelligibly.)
“Magohachi” got interested in the signboard. And “Magohachi” approached the shabby old man. Then, the old man spoke about the language of the following contents.
Doesn't the master there buy the card of God which it fulfills anything for only 2 dollars?
And don't you buy the card and believe the God?
This God is not God which is here and there.
Please put the card of this God on the household Shinto altar of your house for three days.
And if it prays for what you desire to the God once per day and prays for it to it a total of 3 times, the wish suits altogether.
“Magohachi” heard it and thought that it was more doubtful still. And “Magohachi” disregards the old man and tried to return. Then, the old man told the following language to “Magohachi.”
The master there!!
Don't you think that it was deceived once by such shabby old man, and isn't the card of this God believed?
It is not by any means unhappy in you.
People of the town which was near the “Magohachi” which heard this arranged the mouth, and spoke about the following language.
This old man will stay on here from several years before, and is doing doubtful trade.
This old man is surely crazy.
God which it fulfills anything does not exist in this world.
This old man's trade was decided fake.
Please do not deceive to such a fake old man.
People of this town do not trust this old man.
“Magohachi” which heard it told people of a town the language of the following contents.
I also think that I am completely right.
The human being who believes such a thing in this world does not have one person, either.
The old man who was hearing it has returned the following language.
The master!!
There is life only once.
It is the guidance of God that I was surely able to meet you here.
Don't you think that it was deceived although it was such a shabby old man, and doesn't it believe?
If you have paid 2 dollars and buy this card, I can buy the rice cake for the New Year.
Since nobody buys this card after beginning this trade here, I have not consumed rice cake in the New Year.
Would you buy this card somehow, since it is in such a state?
Good “Magohachi” of the character which was hearing it considered the following in the heart.
It may also be interesting to believe God which believes nobody in this world.
Since this old man has said that he has not consumed rice cake in the New Year, it is becoming pitiful.
It may also be interesting to think that it was deceived by this old man and to buy a card.
As for “Magohachi” which considers such a thing in the heart, the following language has come out of a mouth in spite of itself.
Since such a doubtful signboard is stood and business is done, you do not surely make a profit.
However, I think that it was deceived by you and buy the card of the God.
The old man who heard the language was surprised. And the following language was told to “Magohachi.”
I am happiness now.
The good person was encountered at last.
You can surely discover true happiness.
“Magohachi” which heard it returned the following language to the old man.
I do not trust you as well as people of a town.
However, you became pitiful too much.
Therefore, he thought that it was deceived and I decided to buy it.
The old man who heard it cut back in the language of the following contents.
People of this world suspect people rather than trusting people.
In this world, a few will become good if you understand that it is more important for people of this world to trust people rather than suspecting people.
“Magohachi” which heard the language answered as follows.
However, the present world has many incidents which deceive people and cheat out of a lot of money.
Therefore, it is impossible even if it says “Trust people simply.”
There is also an instruction that “never trust a stranger.”
Therefore, as for people of the present world, it is natural to look out for a partner.
The old man who heard it said the following language.
It is reasonable.
Why did it become such a disagreeable world?
Although man may suspect people, there is also a method of believing God which is not visible in man's eyes.
This considers one method that man is saved.
However, there are many people who suspect even it.
This world is pitch-black if it becomes like this.
“Magohachi” which heard the contents answered as follows.
You may have said the right thing.
However, people are hard alive.
I do not regard all the things for which people are suspected as bad.
That is because he will be protected.
It became a very much difficult world now.
“Magohachi” which said such a thing paid 2 dollars which finally sold and obtained rice to the old man. And the old man handed the card of God to “Magohachi.” The old man said then that it was incomprehensible to “Magohachi” in “You surely discover true happiness.” People of a town who were looking at such two persons exchange considered the following in the heart.
“Magohachi” encountered fraud.
It has been deceived by such fake old man.
“Magohachi” is simple.
And man is too good.
Even if people of a town thought that they were such, it did not care about “Magohachi.” And “Magohachi” which bought the card of God from the old man took a walk the town again. “Magohachi” began the walk and reached in front of the big house with the yard large after a while. “Magohachi” which reached in front of the house thought in the heart “it wants to live in such a splendid house once.”
When he walked considering such a thing, it arrived at large rich man's merchant's store this time. A lot of money was in the store. “Magohachi” which looked at it thought in the heart “it wants to live a life about which money does not worry throughout life.”
“Magohachi” which opened the store reached in front of the house in which it is shortly beautiful and a beauty's wife lives, considering such a thing. Just as “Magohachi” looked at its wife of the, it thought in the heart “it is beautiful, and since it is good at once, it wants to live with a beauty's woman.” “Magohachi” was left from the house, considering such a thing.
And it reached in front of the splendid restaurant this time. The smell which seems to be delicious attacked the nose of “Magohachi.” “Magohachi” looked in at the restaurant involuntarily. Then, the gorgeous dish which seems to be delicious was put in order. “Magohachi” which looked at the dish thought “it wants to eat such a gorgeous dish every day and to live.” “Magohachi” left the restaurant, considering such a thing. And he bought a sickle, a hoe, etc. of a town new from a hardware house, and returned and went to the village.
When it arrived at small its own house, a wife's “Ofuku” cooked risotto and was waiting for “Magohachi.” “Magohachi” which looked at the dish considered the following in the heart.
Cooking is risotto today also.
I want to eat the gorgeous dish seen in the town today every day.
Considering such a thing, “Magohachi” ate the risotto which drank the alcohol of an evening drink and “Ofuku” cooked, and went to sleep. And he awoke in urine in the dead of night. “Magohachi” which ended urine remembered the card of God which he has bought from the town. “Magohachi” carried out the talk of the old man of a town dubiously. However, he thought that he would perform a prater with thinking that it was deceived. And the card was put on the household Shinto altar, and it prayed for it as follows.
I want to live in a large splendid big house.
I ask of God.
Please fulfill my wish if you please.
“Magohachi” occurred in the dead of night, and continued such a prayer for three days. “Magohachi” remembered the splendid big house seen when it went to a town and took a walk.
And when “Magohachi” occurred in the dead of night of the next day by urine, the scenery different from former went into the eye. The small house of the former of “Magohachi” had changed to the large splendid big house.
“Magohachi” was able to believe its eye hardly. However, even if it rubbed the eye however, it was former not a narrow small house but large splendid big house. It became as the old man of a town was talking. Surprised “Magohachi” started “Ofuku” of the wife who is sleeping. “Ofuku” which has occurred was surprised. “Magohachi” told these circumstances to “Ofuku. “Ofuku” which heard the talk wore the face which is not believed, and made it vacant for a while. And she came to self and told the language of the following contents to “Magohachi.”
A large splendid big house is difficult to clean up.
In only me, it is unmanageable.
Please help cleaning.
“Ofuku” was questioned whether there “not to be, if I also have to clean up” “any Magohachi” which heard it. “Ofuku” which heard the question said, “It is natural.”
It was able to live, even if the big house did not carry out cleaning while it was for a while. However, all the rooms that are in a house gradually have been covered with garbage. The number of rooms increased very much as compared with the small house. And the big house changed into the state where it cannot live if it does not clean up by covering all room with garbage, at last. Therefore, “Magohachi” and “Ofuku” must clean the room every day. Two persons are busy with cleaning of the room all day long, and other work became impossible. Two persons' physical strength is altogether used for cleaning of the room, and important agricultural work became impossible. Since agricultural work became impossible in important fields, grass grew luxuriantly and they became full of whole surface grass. It became disagreeable that “Magohachi” lives in a large splendid big house at last. It is because it is tired with management of cleaning of a house etc. and becomes dead tired. Therefore, “Magohachi” offered the prayer of the following contents to the card of God bought from the old man of a town for three days.
The large house where I am splendid is unnecessary.
I want to live in a former small house.
I ask of God.
Please change this house into a former small house if you please.
The house of “Magohachi” changed to the former small house at the next day of the final day for which it prayed such. “Magohachi” was surprised also at this phenomenon. It was pleased that “Magohachi” can do agricultural work shortly. And “Magohachi” thought in the heart, “The contents about which the old man of a town was speaking were true.”
“Magohachi” which had such an experience was beautiful after a while this time, and a beauty's wife became wanting. “Magohachi” remembered the beautiful woman who saw when it went to a town again and took a walk.
Then, it prayed to the card of God for three days, “Since I am beautiful and want a beauty's wife, please fulfill a wish.” Then, the woman with a beauty it is beautiful and young who has not seen until now on the night of the next day of the final day appeared before “Magohachi.”
“Magohachi” was pleased and clung to the woman. “Ofuku” which was looking at the situation packed the load in a hurry, and returned to the parents' home. Immediately, “Magohachi” was beautiful and became crazy about a beauty's woman. He forget “Ofuku” completely.
However, the beautiful young woman did no housekeeping. Every time the woman looked at the mirror every day, she only said proudly, “I am a beauty.”
Housekeeping was not carried out however “Magohachi” might persuade. “Magohachi” has held the head in this. And “Magohachi” must make housekeeping all at last. “Magohachi” got tired with such a life at last. And the life which carries out housekeeping every day became disagreeable. And he remembered “Ofuku.” He came to regard “Ofuku” as nostalgic. And the strong point of “Ofuku” was able to understand clearly at last.
“Magohachi prayed that the woman of a beauty beautiful on the card of God was shortly unnecessary. And he prayed for three days “Please call back “Ofuku.” Then, “Ofuku” came back to the house of “Magohachi” on the night of the next day of the final day. And it returned to the former life.
As for “Magohschi” which returned to the former life, a lot of money became wanting after a while this time. “Magohachi” remembered the store of the merchant of the large rich man who saw when a town was taken a walk before. “Magohachi” wanted to live a life which does not worry about money. Therefore, when he wanted to become a large rich man on the card of God shortly, it prayed for “Magohachi” for three days. Then, the room in the house of “Magohachi” has been buried on a night of the next day of the final day with money. “Magohachi” was pleased. And it has buried under the eaves without a wink of sleep also carrying out money in the room the night.
After there was such a thing, the talk from which “Magohachi” became a large rich man after a while spread in the whole country. Then, all the thieves in a country came to form a plan to steal the money this time. And a thief came to invade under the eaves actually. And damage came to come out for a while. After there was such a thing, “Magohachi” worried that money might be stolen and it became impossible to sleep night also. “Magohachi” must carry out defense of money to an end in the end every night. Defense of the every night for money cursed and the physical strength of “Magohachi” was coming to the limit. “Magohachi” was charged as in addition to it, seven brothers and sisters of “Magohachi” need to hear this talk, and give us a portion. Therefore. Although brothers and sisters were good friends until now, relations worsened on the problem of money. And two or more human beings who finally do not understand a translation came to visit in the house of “Magohachi.” Since they had lent money to the father from whom you died severally, they have urged “Please repay immediately now.”
“Magohachi” was busy with correspondence of these problems, and became dead tired. He understood that it did not feel at ease even if “Magohachi” becomes a rich man. And it prayed at last “Since “Magohachi” does not need money for the card of God any longer, please return it to a former life” for three days. And it returned to the original life on the night of the next day of the final day. “Magohachi” was able to sleep peacefully slowly at last.
As for “Magohachi” which was continuing such a peaceful life, the desire blew off again. “Magohachi” remembered the gorgeous delicious dish of a restaurant seen when it went to a town before and took a walk. He was tired of daily risotto. Then, when he wanted to eat the dish of a restaurant delicious at magnificence every day on the card of God, it prayed for three days. Then, the dish of a gorgeous and delicious from night of the next day of the final day restaurant came to be eaten. “Magohachi” was pleased.
“Magohachi” and “Ofuku” ate the dish of such a gorgeous and delicious restaurant every day. Two persons who were eating such a dish grew fat at last, and the body stopped moving freely. Since two persons grew fat, agricultural work became impossible. In addition to it, even cleaning of the small house of “Magohachi” became impossible.
The life in which “Magohachi” is eating only the delicious dish gorgeous every day became disagreeable at last. And it prayed for three days “Please return to the card of God again at the original life.” Then, it returned to the life of the origin which eats risotto on a night of the next day of the final day. Since “Magohachi” returned to the original life, it felt easy.
All wishes suited by the power of God which fulfills “Magohachi” anything. However, “Magohachi” decided to return the card of God which it fulfills anything to the old man of a town. It is because “Magohachi” thought that the life of now with “Ofuku” was important. If there is money mostly, it is not absent from the heart, and if a house is large, it is difficult to manage. If that was right, “Magohachi” thought that the life in which the heart is rested by simple life was good.
“Magohachi” went to the town at the next day which considered such a thing. And when going to the place which bought the card of God before, the old man sold the card of God as well as the front. “Magohachi” which discovered it told the old man the language of the following contents.
What you said was true.
However, I am fortunate at the present life.
Since money is not needed, this card is returned.
The old man who heard the language returned the following language.
The master!!
You understood at last that an ordinary life is the most fortunate.
You discovered true happiness.
It was good!!
It was good!!
After saying the language of such contents, the old man has disappeared suddenly. And the letter of one sheet of paper was left behind there. Letters were the following contents.
To Mr. Magohachi.
You are the only human being who believed my thing.
You discovered true happiness.
Please value the your wife's “married woman Ofuku”, and become fortunate forever.
I was the incarnation of “God which it fulfills anything.”
From a shabby old man.
“Magohachi” regarded others' life as enviable, before having these experiences.
However, when he lived the life, he understood that there were various difficulties.
He knew that the truth could not be understood only by seeing an external life of upstream people.
Finally he has realized that a plus side and a minus side exist in any lives.
The End.
To an information page.
No9. The “Saburo” tale of a stray dog.
We have the case where adverse circumstances are mage to stand suddenly by a certain cause in any worries not having been found in making a living. In what kind of mental attitude should we just make a living at such time? This tale is a tale of the way of life at the time of being placed by such environment through “Saburo” of a dog.
And when driven away to a plight by someone, everyone hates the human being at first. However, it may reverse life. How is it reversed if it lives? It is the tale which regarded as wanting such a thing to think and was considered through “Saburo” of a stray dog.
A long time ago, the splendid hot spring hotel was in yumoto village of the Nasu hot spring in Japan.
(The Nasu hot spring is a hot spring in the Nasu district of Tochigi Prefecture in present Japan. “Yumoto” is the name of a place of the hot-spring resort. The notation of Japan was described below. )
(Nasu= 那須 , Tochigi= 栃木 , Yomoto= 湯元 )
The name of the master of this hot spring hotel is “Kyubey.”
(It is “ 久兵衛 ” when “Kyubey” is expressed in Japanese.)
The name of the wife of “Kyubey” is “Onatsu.”
(It is “ お夏 ” when “Onatsu” is expressed in Japanese.
The dog of the name of “Saburo” was kept in the house of “Kyubey.”
(It is “ 三郎 ” when “Saburo” is expressed in Japanese.)
“Saburo” was kept by himself in response to these husband and wife's love. “Saburo” had difficulties and
these anxious peaceful days that are not.
“Onatsu” of the wife of “Kyubey” was sick one day when “Saburo” had happy days, and died. “Saburo” has perceived that saw signs that the funeral was held at home and “Onatsu” died. “Saburo” sadness, at the cry sad every day, “Saburo” shed tears and was barking. “Kyubey” which was looking at such a situation told the language of the following contents to “Saburo.”
Thank you for lamenting the thing of “Onatsu”.
“Onatsu” went to distant heaven.
It does not come here on the contrary any longer.
At the still sadder cry, “Saburo” which heard the language shed tears, and barked. “Kyubey” which heard the cry was told to “Saburo” as follows.
You are a clever dog.
Although “Onatsu” dies, and there is a relative who does not shed tears, you feel sad from the bottom of the heart.
You are greater than man.
“Saburo” which heard it barked with “Wan!! Wan!! Wan!!........” at the sad cry toward “Kyubey.” “Saburo” had to stop having to spend every day of sadness for a long period of time.
After “Onatsu” died, two years passed. “Saburo” has noticed the appearance of the house of “Kyubey” differing from usual at such time. In fact, a master's “Kyubey” got the second wife. It was the wedding on that day. The second wife's name is “Oharu.”
(It is “ お春 ” when “Oharu” is expressed in Japanese.)
“Saburo” got to know this and considered the following contents in the heart.
What kind of person is this new master's wife?
Does the master's wife love me?
“Saburo” worried about such a thing. “Kyubey” introduced “Saburo” to “Oharu” at the next day which the wedding finished. “Oharu” told “Saburo” the following then.
I did not know that such a dog was kept in this house.
I took the dog currently loved from before to this house.
He had a disagreeable premonition for “Saburo” which heard this. The second wife's “Oharu” took the dog of the name of “Santa” to the house of “Kyubey” from the parents' home.
(It is “ 三太 ” when “Santa” is expressed in Japanese.)
It became serious for “Saburo”, after “Santa” comes to this house. “Saburo” was eating food delicious every day until “Santa” came. However, after “Santa” came, “Santa” are all delicious food. “Saburo” had to stop therefore, having to eat the poor food which is not delicious. “Oharu” had divided all the trouble of a dog. I did not have “Saburo” taken also to a walk. “Santa” is carried out to the walk every day. “Santa” was favorably treated in all respects. The premonition of “Saburo” guessed right.
“Oharu” took “Saburo” to the somewhat distant next village at the walk on a certain day of autumn which was continuing such a life. “Saburo” thought the walk and was pleased. However, if “Oharu” arrives at the shrine of the next village, it would put “Saburo” on the shrine and will have gone home alone. “Saburo” was thrown away. “Saburo” has not noticed that yet.
In fact, the purpose of “Oharu” was pretending to be a walk and throwing away “Saburo.” Of course, after “Oharu” went home, it was scolded by “Kyubey.” “Saburo” was not able to understand what occurred for a while. However, he realized that “Saburo” is thrown away when the evening comes and you have been hungry. “Saburo” also considered returning to the house of “Kyubey.” However, the feeling of returning to the house in which “Oharu” lives did not occur. “Saburo” decided to make the bottom of the floor of this shrine into a dwelling.
“Saburo” became the status of a “stray dog” only after it was produced. “Saburo” became a “wild dog.” Under the floor of a shrine, “Saburo” shed tears all night long and cried on the night of the thrown-away day. And the morning came. He has noticed that “Saburo” in which the tear has also withered is not crying forever. “Saburo” has noticed that it must make a living by a lone wolf from now on. He has noticed that it cannot make a living if “Saburo” had said every crying now. “Saburo” was made to stand from this time by the trial.
“Saburo” had to stop having to look for food, in order to make a living first. “Saburo” was eking out a living by the leftover food of the houses of people of a village. However,
“Saburo” also sometimes had it being discovered by man at the midst which is looking for leftover food, and being exposed to the following boos.
This wild dog!!
It can go there!!
There is nothing that a wild dog eats!!
It can go there!!
And the stone could be thrown while being exposed to such boos. “Saburo” found it for coming out very much and it being difficult only after securing food was born. Food was given even if it was silent, when were kept by man and the time of a meal came. And “Saburo” regarded that as nostalgic. When “Saburo” became night, it went to sleep under the floor of a shrine every day. And it felt fully that “Saburo” of making a living under the floor of a shrine is severe every day. When kept by man, any difficulties or worries do not have poor food, either, and he was able to eat it, and it was able to make a living. However, he has to subsist by himself now. “Saburo” thought that the cause of “Oharu” became such a status. “Saburo” always thought that it did not become such a thing if “Oharu” did not come to the house of “Kyubey.” Therefore, “Saburo” hated “Oharu.” And “Saburo” always remembered gentle “Onatsu.”
The senior of a stray dog came to the shrine one day which was living such a severe life. The senior of the stray dog told the language of the following contents to “Saburo.”
It takes!!
The wild dog there!!
Although your name is not known, if equal to this life for three more years, you will get used to a splendid dog.
Surely making a living understands you to the core of what kind of thing or a bone.
Therefore, you are a time of now bearing with patience.
The direction where you live is decided in the direction which is just aware of the time of bearing.
If it cannot realize on the contrary, it is decided in the bad direction.
You were kept in the surely splendid house.
I understand it, if the gloss of your face is seen.
You have the atmosphere of the merit of breeding.
I am sorry that self-introduction is overdue.
My name is “Hachiro.”
(It is “ 八郎 ” when “Hachiro” is expressed in Japanese.)
Thank you for your consideration.
“Saburo” which heard it was surprised. And it answered as follows “Hachiro.”
My name is “Saburo.”
I would appreciate your favor here.
The house which kept me loved me wholly.
However, the wife of the house was sick and died.
The second wife came to the house after that.
The house has changed atmosphere completely since then.
The second wife took the pet dog from the parents' home surprised.
Therefore, I became obstructive.
And it was thrown away.
His wife before dying was a good person kind to.
I hate now “Oharu” which deserted me.
“Hachiro” which heard it returned the language of the following contents to “Saburo.”
Was that right?
You are pitiful.
However, “Mr. Saburo”!!
Things are one view.
If the life before you are deserted is continued throughout life, it will die without understanding anything also including the thing of a world.
It is a heavy loss when becoming so.
Now, even when you are serious, please consider all to be study and do your best.
You understand man's thing for many things after this.
I regard “Oharu” which you hate now as hate disappearing and surely changing to gratitude conversely, when “Mr. Saburo” overcomes these adverse circumstances.
“Saburo” which heard it was not able to understand immediately the contents which “Hachiro” said. And “Hachiro” told the language of the following contents immediately to “Saburo” again.
“Mr. Saburo”!!
I have gazed at many children of the rich house of a town and a village.
From the young time, those children do not have any difficulties and are brought up.
Some parents are under the child's thumb.
Some parents hear all a child's opinions.
There are many homes where parents are caring about it and raising a child's mood that it is unexpected.
Therefore, when the child who grew up in such an environment grows up, it may have grown into the adult without its idea who cannot become independent.
Therefore, there are many adults who collide with a little problem, develop neurosis and ruin themselves recently.
Various problems have taken place in the human community from such a reason.
Patience became impossible to the man of today anyhow.
Of course, they are not all.
Parents take the responsibility for educational.
A child also needs to teach severity from the young time.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Even if he buys it, carry out difficulties when young.
Such a view is necessity now.
Parents need to bring up a child with a steadfast belied.
Training which can think and act with its head to a child is required.
Therefore, “Mr. Saburo”!!
Please consider earnestly how you live now with your head.
And if the answer is known, please act.
You are in the middle of adverse circumstances now.
However, the environment is a best chance to understand various things.
There is rarely such a chance.
Now is the case requiring patience.
“Hachiro” encouraged “Saburo” in such language. “Saburo” which heard these advices returned the language of the following contents to “Hachiro.”
You suggested many wonderful for me.
I appreciate that.
I keep that in mind and do my best.
“Hachiro” which heard it felt easy, from there, was left and went. And “Saburo” considered repeatedly the contents about which “Hachiro” spoke for one month.
“Saburo” from it changed consciousness completely.
After “Hachiro” left “Saburo”, for three years, also the day of a wind, the tempestuous day also gritted its tooth also the snowy day, and it did its best also in the rainy day.
In the heart, “Saburo” persuaded oneself “I am not overcome by such adverse circumstances by any means”, and did its best. Especially the snowy day reached to an extreme of difficulty. It is because snow has blown in to the back under the floor of a shrine. This situation was hot to the maximum.
“Saburo” changed gradually in such environment. Having acted frantically until now considers “Saburo” and it came to act. And “Saburo” came to see things objective. Moreover, “Saburo” continued encouraging “To overcome these adverse circumstances at any cost by everybody's power” to the wild dogs gathering in a shrine.
And “Saburo” obtained reliance from nature and everybody and became a collective leader. “Saburo” realized having become really strong, when it became a leader. “Saburo” which became a leader considered the thing of “Oharu” which deserted itself. It was understood that a strong-minded leader's status was able to be built because “Oharu” threw away. What “Hachiro” was speaking about “Saburo” before was remembered. And the hate over nature and “Oharu” disappeared. Rather, “Saburo” came to consider “Oharu” which carried out cold treatment, when painful. When it thought of “Oharu”, the answer of the problem currently faced as iy is natural came out, and the problem was solved.
There was more plus obtained by that from minus that “Saburo” was thrown away.
“Saburo” did not think that it became such a thing.
“Oharu” into which “Saburo” finally threw itself away became the benefactor of “Saburo.”
At the last.
When you are exposed to adverse circumstances in life or have encountered the difficult problem now, let's perform the way of life for which the adverse circumstances and difficult problem can be appreciated in the future.
If life is compared on baseball, let's make a living with nature for 9 times of the reverse sides to hit a come-from-behind home run.
Life should carry out the way of life in which “Saburo” of the hero of this tale is not lost.
The End.
To an information page.
No10. Requital of a favor of “Santaro” of a rat.
This tale is a tale of the offense and defense of fighting with “Mr. Sato” of the expert of a rat and rat poison.
And this tale is a tale considered since he wanted many people from a child to an adult to understand the following contents through those offense and defense.
Human beings' soul worsens by the occasional feeling, or becomes good.
Human beings' soul has the cruel whole surface.
However, human beings' soul also has the whole surface of wonderful humanity.
It is decided by selection of its view whether to take out which whole surface from a soul and to follow life.
Even if human beings think that they will kill an enemy, they can change it by selection of a view.
It is because human beings have wonderful humanity.
Human beings have a soul gentle to like God common to human beings exceeding all races, religion, and thought.
Human beings can change into a good idea from a bad idea.
This tale is a short story tale which considered it since he wanted you to understand such a thing.
If you think that you will kill now people, please make decision which reads this tale and stops that plan.
Supposing you consider the evil deed now, please make decision which reads this tale and stops that plan.
I am wishing following life without all people also including the children who read this tale forgetting this tale, and becoming happiness.
To all the children that bear the future of the earth.
No1. The bad temptation with these various worlds is being prepared for you.
No2. However, let's surely defeat those bad various temptation without losing those bad various temptation.
This tale is a tale of the rat which lived in the village of the country in Japan of AD. the 1960s. The farmer named “Mr. Ichiro Kimura” lived in the village.
(It is “ 木村一郎 ” when “Ichiro Kimura” is expressed in Japanese.)
The age of “Mr. Kimura” was 65 years old. The trouble of “Mr. Kimura” was that there are many rats. It is because the rice which suffered troubles and gathered a harvest was encountering the damage of a rat when autumn came every year. Damage had also attained to a potato and other food. “Mr. Kimura” which worried about that damage declared people of a village “capture I surely do all rats.” The whole village of the damage of a rat was also serious. The price of the tail of one animal of a rat is 5 yen. When the tail was brought to the village office, they were exchanged for 5 yen. Extermination measure expense was paid from the village office.
“Mr. Kimura” prepared all the instruments and medicine that capture a rat. And almost all rats were able to be captured by them, or it was able to kill. However, there was a rat survived only one animal although many rats died. The surviving rat was telling many a friend's rats and others about the danger of the mechanism of rat poison. However, many a friend's rats did not grant the notice. Therefore, one surviving rat witnessed that many a friend's rats were killed by man. Only one surviving rat was not deceived by man's trap. This rat is just the hero of this tale.
This rat escaped from the house of “Mr. Kimura” which killed the friend immediately. And he ran into the farmhouse about 200m away from the house.
(One surviving rat is expressed as “He” until a name appears from here.)
The name of the farmhouse is “Mr. Kenji Sato.”
(It is “ 佐藤健二 ” when “Kenji Sato” is expressed in Japanese.)
The age of “Mr. Sato” is 60 years old. Other one rat did not live in this house, either. “Mr. Sato” was the expert of rat poison famous for this district. Also in such a thing, he settled in not knowing. The teachings which he studied in the house of “Mr. Kimura” which lived before were “not realizing living to man.” He decided to look for food in a kitchen at the night which passed on the third, after settling in the house of “Mr. Sato.” Careful he performed that, when all families were asleep fast. Of course, he searched so that even a noise might not be raised. Even if food looked for here and there, it was not able to be discovered easily. He wants to have come to carry out excrement in the meantime.
If excrement was taken out to the place discovered by man, it will turn out that it lives here. I will take out my excrement to the place which is not discovered by man.
The conclusion which considered such a thing and was drawn at the end was on the high cupboard. He took out excrement on it. Since he took out excrement and felt it refreshed, he looked for food continuously. However, he was not able to discover. The day has broken in the meantime. He hid behind the cupboard of a kitchen. He kept still there all day long. For man taking care not to be noticed, it was not easy.
And he looked for food once again at midnight of the next day. The pear was put with sufficient fate on the five-piece kitchen the night. He made the hole small to one piece in it, and sipped only the juice of a pear. It is because it realizes living here to man if the pear was gnawed greatly. He had been hungry the night. However, it decided to sip only juice without gnawing a pear greatly. He who sipped only juice returned to the hiding place behind a cupboard.
The day broke and the morning came. The name of the wife of “Mr. Sato” is “Mrs. Satoko.”
(It is “ 里子 ” when “Satoko” is expressed in Japanese.)
Then, her wife's of the “Mrs. Satoko” went into the kitchen. And she thought that she would eat a pear and took one pear in her hand. The pear taken in its hand was a pear in which he sipped only juice. She who took the pear in her hand discovered the small hole of a pear, and talked to herself as follows.
The small hole is open at such a place.
Possibly it was eaten by the insect.
He succeeded in resembling man to that extent and making him consider. Although it succeeded in that, he was hungry and was coming to the limit of patience. However, since man found existence if the rudder ate food greatly now, it bore. He bore three evenings. It became impossible however, for him to bear at last. And he gnawed carelessly the potato which was in the kitchen, and has eaten it at midnight on the fourth. He was not able to win instinct.
On the next day, “Mrs. Satoko” has noticed the potato gnawed by the rat at last. She reported that to the husband immediately. “Mr. Sato” of the husband who heard the report murmured the language of the following contents.
The rat settled in my home at last.
I surely capture and kill.
“Mr. Sato” opted for such a fearful thing. Since “Mr. Sato” was the expert of rat poison, it was natural. “Mr. Sato” has bought the medicine of the brand name “No cat necessity” for the beginning. And it was devised at the place along which a rat is likely to walk. When all families of the house are asleep fast, he has come together near “No cat necessity.” And he remembered that many friends ate it and died from the medicine before. He did not eat it under those circumstances. He thought that the rat lives in this house, and that it had been detected by man that “No cat necessity” was devised by man. Therefore, since man found existence for him, and man devised the trap by various methods, he was having to fight with this trap determined. And he thought that he will not be careless from now on. He did not have that for which nothing depends. He thought that it could not but have an experience arms with its intuitive ability, and could not but defeat this fighting.
It was surprised on the next day which devised “No cat necessity” for “Mr. Sato” to look at “No cat necessity.”
And “Mr. Sato” murmured the following soliloquies.
This “No cat necessity” is not eaten at all.
The rat which settled here recently is rather clever.
It may cut fighting with this rat to a prolonged war.
This rat is likely to become a strong partner.
There is no shortage for a partner.
That is right!!
I will name the pet name of this rat “Santaro.”
(It is “ 三太郎 ” when “Santaro” is expressed in Japanese.)
He was named that the pet name “Santaro” is surprised with “Mr. Sato.” The name of “Santaro” of this pet name was a name of the friend of the elementary school days of “Mr. Sato.” This friend dies and is not already in this world. “Mr. Santaro” of the friend of its elementary school days was the powerful rival of “Mr. Sato.” Therefore, “Mr. Sato” named him “Santaro.” “Mr. Sato” thought whether this rat would become a powerful rival by intuition. “Mr. Sato” felt such remembered the name of the powerful rival of its elementary school days then.
It decided for “Mr. Sato” which failed in “No cat necessity” to devise “poisoned steamed filled dumplings” shortly. “Mr. Sato” devised “poisoned steamed filled dumplings” on the night of the day on which it decided such. “Santaro” had been hungry.
(From now on, he will be expressed as “Santaro.”)
Therefore, walking was not easy, either. “Santaro” discovered “poisoned steamed filled dumplings” at midnight in such the state. “Santaro” of wanting to eat “poisoned steamed filled dumplings” was eager. However, “Santaro” felt danger for these steamed filled dumplings by natural intuition. Therefore, although “Santaro” had been hungry, the steamed filled dumplings were not eaten the night.
The day broke and a morning came. “Mr. Sato” has occurred from a bedroom, in order to check whether “poisoned steamed filled dumplings” is eaten by “Santaro.” And “Mr. Sato” was surprised that “poisoned steamed filled dumplings” is not eaten. There was no place which steamed filled dumplings gnawed anywhere. And the following soliloquies were murmured.
It is amusing?!
Considering my experience, this case is a case currently eaten 100%.
Why didn't “Santaro” eat?
Such a rat like “Santaro” encountered for the first time in life.
Even if a rat overly excellent also in a rat community is in him because the human being who gets the inside of a human community or the Nobel Prize is needed, he is not wonderful.
“Santaro” is not made foolishly.
Finally “Mr. Sato” which murmured such a soliloquy has held the following firm belief.
“Santaro” is surely an old rat and the individual rat from which a type is different.
It decided for “Mr. Sato” which has held such firm belief to devise a “rat capture basket” shortly. Food is a cheese. Come and it is scheduled to wear and to bring near with this cheese, shortly.
“Santaro” which has been hungry at midnight of the next day when “Mr. Sato” considered such a thing came food for search to the kitchen. And “Santaro” discovered the “rat capture basket” devised by “Mr. Sato.”
He remembered that many friends' rat was captured by this “rat capture basket”, and “Santaro” was killed altogether before. Therefore, “Santaro” was borne so that the mechanism of a basket might move and a door might not be closed, it walked on foot, carried out careful cautions, and moved. And “Santaro” approached till the place of the cheese which is hanging down in the center of a “rat capture basket.” Although “Santaro” had been hungry, it warned against swaying a mechanism and ate a little cheese. “Santaro” ate only a few, without being avaricious. And careful cautions were carried out and it came out of the “rat capture basket.” “Santaro” defeated the strategy of “Mr. Sato.” However, the belly of “Santaro” was not filled.
The day broke and the morning came. When “Mr. Sato” occurred, it went to see a “rat capture basket” first of all.
And since only the cheese of mere a few was eaten, it was surprised. “Mr. Sato” was impressed by “Santaro” which ate some cheeses conversely and overcame this mechanism. And the following soliloquies were murmured.
“Santaro” is a fellow very.
“Santaro” left simply is very clever, once going into this basket.
However, I capture absolutely and kill.
Surprisingly “Mr. Sato” praised an enemy's “Santaro.” However, as for “Mr. Sato” which is famous as an expert of rat poison, the fight has sprung increasingly. “Santaro” strained its ears and was hearing the grain and the contents which are of “Mr. Sato” from the back of a cupboard. And “Santaro” decided the following contents in the heart.
Man will surely regard the rat as foolish.
Even we have an idea.
I am not defeated by any means by man.
I am not killed by any means by man.
“Santaro” decided such a thing. A rat poison expert's “Mr. Sato” considered the following strategy of capturing “Santaro.” As for “Mr. Sato” considered for a while, one idea appeared. The strategy prevents from escaping “Santaro” outside out of a house probably. And it changes into such a state and food is not thoroughly given to “Santaro.” It is the strategy which changes “Santaro” into the state where he was hungry thoroughly, and will leave it in short for many days. “Mr. Sato” named the strategy name “food stop strategy.” And the period of “food stop strategy” was decided to be two weeks.
The stop of this strategy is devising and capturing a cookie to “Santaro” which his is hungry and does not help.
If an animal is hungry, thinking power will decline. If thinking power declines, attentiveness will decline. I thought that “Mr. Sato” would reduce this attentiveness and would catch “Santaro.”
“Food stop strategy” was held as scheduled from the day considered so. Therefore, “Santaro” was not able to discover food, wherever it might look for in a house. And he has noticed that anything does not have the mechanism in which a rat is captured in a house as for “Santaro.” Since the situation was different as compared with every day, “Santaro” thought in the heart “it is very strange.” “Santaro” was thought “the enemy performed some strategies” by intuition in the heart. 2Santaro” looked for food altogether in the house for two weeks, feeling such a thing. However, no “Santaro” was able to be discovered. “Santaro” was hungry and stopped becoming in any way. The nerve of “Santaro” has stopped being in an ordinary state. The energy which moves was also lost. Consciousness has made it dim. “Santaro” was driven into the state where it must keep still behind the cupboard, at last. This has not noticed that true “Santaro” is the strategy of “Mr. Sato.” Thinking of “Santaro” was the grade which is not common as for this situation. “Santaro” was not able to understand the “Food attack strategy” of “Mr. Sato.” I almost already thought that “Mr. Sato” considered that “Santaro” has surely weakened would be soon captured with a cookie.
And “Mr. Sato” put in and devised the cookie in the “rat capture basket” at the next day. And at midnight come. “Santaro” guessed that food existed in near by the scent of a cookie. “Santaro” is hungry and its nerve is not common, either. And it is turning also around the eye. True “Santaro” settled down and it was impossible to judge a situation objective. “Santaro” was taken in to the scent of a cookie with instinct, and goes into a “rat capture basket.” And “Santaro” has bit the cookie thoroughly at last. At the moment, the door of a “Rat capture basket” made sound as “Pachin!!”, and has closed. I thought that “Santaro” went wrong then. However, it is too late. “Santaro” was captured at last. Finally this fighting finished with the victory of “Mr. Sato.”
The day broke. “Mr. Sato” has occurred from a bed. And “Mr. Sato” looked at the “rat capture basket” immediately. And the language of the following contents was told to “Santaro.”
Oh!! It bit at last.
You are the first to have troubled me by until this much.
You are an uncanny rat as making it trifle with me.
However, you will already be finished.
“Santaro” which heard such language only moved about violently in the “rat capture basket.”
It was considered that “Mr. Sato” would put in a “rat capture basket” into the river which is flowing the house front, and would make “Santaro” drown. “Mr. Sato” brought the “rat capture basket” in which “Santaro” is contained immediately to the end of a river, and looked at “Santaro” in it. If it does so, “Santaro” will continue gazing at the eye of “Mr. Sato”, without moving. And “Santaro” had shouted as follows in the heart.
Please help my life if you please!!
Surely we the rats have done only the bad thing to man!!
He can understand the feeling that man wants for me to eradicate us the rats!!
However, we as well as man have to make a living!!
We are the same as man after all!!
Although “Mr. Sato” was natural, it has not noticed at all that “Santaro” has cried for such a thing. In such a situation, “Mr. Sato” went to “Santaro” and said the following.
A rat cannot win man after all.
Even when you are overly excellent in a rat, a rat is a rat and is not spread.
What is said!!
Although man kills many other living things, is cooking them and is eating them from us.
Man has done major injury to other living things.
And man kills simply not only other living things but the same friend's human being.
Once it is warring, many human beings will be killed to once with mass-destruction weapons.
If it observes from us, man will be a barbarous and cruel animal.
An animal crueler than man does not exist in this world.
Man is no match for us.
If the living thing which is wise from man exists, man will surely be killed by the living thing.
In fact, “Santaro” cried for in this way had before the period which had settled in the junior high school of this village. “Mr. Santaro” studied the thing of war at the time of the lesson of the social studies of the classroom which is during the period. The studied method strained its ears on the reverse side of a blackboard, and studied them with nature. And man heard in the attic etc. the radio of the house of people who had settled before, and the news of television, and knew killing the same friend. Although it is natural, “Mr. Sato” does not attach imagination, either, as “Santaro” has cried for such a thing. “Mr. Sato” continued looking at the eye of “Santaro” somehow. Therefore, the eye of “Mr. Sato” and “Santaro” changed into the state where it gazed at each other. After such a state continued for a while, it came to think “Mr. Sato” whether something to tell me some for is in the inner part of the eye of “Santaro” sudden. And the following soliloquies were murmured.
It is becoming pitiful somehow that I kill this “Santaro.”
And when he thought that such a soliloquy was murmured “Mr. Sato” said the following language suddenly.
It stopped!!
It stopped!!
Killing “Santaro” stops me.
It stopped that “Mr. Sato” killed “Santaro” which struggled hard against every possible means, and was suffered for which troubles and captured. Shortly after “Mr. Sato” made decision which stopped killing, it had the “rat capture basket” placed at the end of a river in the direction of a nearby mountain, and went. And “Mr. Sato” said the following language to “Santaro.”
You are the same animal as man.
Please live long.
Please be fine and live.
“Mr. Sato” opened the door of a “rat capture basket” immediately after saying such language to “Santaro”, and missed “Santaro” into the mountain.
“Santaro” was surprised at action of this “Mr. Sato.” “Santaro” is already finished determined. So, it was surprised at sudden change of mind of “Mr. Sato.”
“Mr. Sato” became such a soul about whether it should be expressed as what to express as the soul heart gradually, or compassion, when having continuing seeing “Santaro.”
“Mr. Sato” changed to the heart gentle to like God.
“Santaro” turned in the “Mr. Sato” repeatedly, when escaping into a mountain. And “Santaro” considered the thing of the following contents in the heart, turning.
Man is the wonderful animal which can change to the heart gentle to like God from the bottom of its heart in an instant like a demon.
If it is right, people who have fought for war, dispute, etc. now are the same human beings as “Mr. Sato.”
If that is right, peace is connected in an instant and things are not impossible.
“Santaro” considered such a thing. “Santaro” is the wonderful rat which can consider such a thing in spite of such a situation. And it was pleased with “Santaro”, considering such a thing, and it escaped and went into the mountain. For “Santaro”, the moment the view to man changed, it was at this time. And it was not miraculously attacked by the natural enemy. “Santaro” went nuts into the roost in addition to the mouth on such a day which was living peacefully. Change of the faint crust was then felt. “Santaro” excellent in intuitive ability considered the following in the heart.
This is not common.
A big earthquake will surely come soon.
“Santaro” which felt such a thing breathed out the nuts which uneasiness carried out and have been added to the mouth. And “Santaro” ran to the house of “Mr. Sato” by the dead run. When “Santaro” arrived at the house of “Mr. Sato”, “Mr. Sato” tended to be out by the bicycle. There was a dangerous cliff which the rock surface has exposed in the point of the road in front of the house of “Mr. Sato.” “Santaro” knew existence of the cliff.
And “Santaro” dashed itself against the body of “Mr. Sato” which is on the bicycle just before passing along the cliff front. “Mr. Sato” has been surprised at that. And it said suddenly, “It is dangerous!!” And it fell together with the bicycle. Then, the ground shook greatly with the roaring sound which is not then until now. The big earthquake which shakes top and bottom occurred. The cliff in front of “Mr. Sato” has collapsed in an instant. The way was intercepted by many big rocks. Since it fell just before the cliff, “Mr. Sato” did not encounter a mudslide. Life of “Mr. Sato” was saved by a hairbreadth. If “Santaro” did not prevent the way of “Mr. Sato”, “Mr. Sato” became the underlay of a landslide and died.
“Mr. Sato” looked around near, fallen. And one has noticed one rat being immediately in near. It has noticed immediately that “Mr. Sato” is “Santaro.” And the following language was said to “Santaro.”
You are a surprising rat.
Thank you for helping me.
You are not a too ordinary rat.
Possibly you may be the incarnation of “Mr. Santaro” Takahashi” of the friend my elementary school.
Thank you very much for saving my life anyhow.
Thus, “Mr. Sato” said the language of gratitude to “Santaro.” “Santaro” heard the language, and returned and went to the mountain immediately.
“Mr. Sato” which was looking at the situation helped the life of “Santaro”, and thought that it was really good. It was because “Mr. Sato” never thought that its life would be saved by no means by “Santaro” which helped the life.
Since then, from before, “Mr. Sato” has become the owner of a soul gentle to, has exerted itself for a charity work, and has finished the lifetime.
It was pleased that “Mr. Sato” received blessing like this from God only by saving the life of “Santaro.” And “Mr. Sato” came to feel a pain for man killing man at a soul. When saving man's life, “Mr. Sato” which became such a soul declared bigger blessing than the blessing which I received to many people with man surely receiving from God, and exerted itself for “world peace activity.” And “Mr. Sato” talked about “importance of a life” and had influence good for many people's soul.
The End.